Chapter 16

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"Who am I?"

Elizabeth looked at him with widened eyes. She was in shock because she was definitely not expecting such a question from him.

"Why are you asking me such a question?What happened sweetie?"

She asked and sipped a glass of water that was on the mini center table in front of her.

"Oh don't play dumb with me. Answer my question."He blurted out. He wanted to know the truth. The things he had seen in his nightmares coupled with some of the memories that had began to resurface were too much to be brushed aside.

There had to be an element of truth in them. His memories couldn't come out clearly.

" Have a seat."Elizabeth said with a pained expression and took another sip of water. She looked very nervous.

Jason reluctantly took a seat opposite her, ready for whatever she was going to say. He had prepared himself for the worst.

"Your real name's not Jason."She began and looked down. She couldn't watch him in the face."And you're not-"

"Your son."

Jason completed the statement for her. She looked up at him with a shocked expression.

"Yeah,yeah,yeah and then we skip to the cliché part where you tell me you're deeply sorry and you didn't mean to do this to me. You must really think I'm stupid."He continued and let out a dry laugh that lacked emotions.

" I know this must be really hard for you."She continued in a whisper.

"I've been having nightmares for a long time now,you know. And I felt like there was a missing piece of my life in those nightmares."He sighed.

"I'm terribly sorry. I-"

"I'm not done."He said cutting her off .
"I had a feeling that you guys were hiding something from me but I just couldn't place my hands on it."

"You were adopted."She said and as soon as she looked up at him,a wave of pain washed over him face and hurt masked his features.

"Of course."He snorted."I always had a feeling. I used to look at you,Dad and Britney and I realised how I had no features in common with you. But I was naive and stupid to keep on believing I was your blood."

"It was never our intention to hurt you. Believe me,it was difficult for me too especially since your father didn't even want you in the first place. It took a chain of events for him to accept you."

"Wow. The old man didn't even want me. How touching."He snorted again. This was too much for him to take in.

He ran his fingers through his hair that had now become a tangled mess.

"So when were you going to tell me?"
He whispered. His voice was now dangerously low like the last of his self-control was hanging lightly on a thin thread.

"We were going to tell you very soon."
Elizabeth said.

"How soon?"
Jason asked. He was getting impatient.

Elizabeth stuttered, unable to utter a word. She was so shocked. She hadn't been expecting this encounter with Jason. At least not this soon.

"Of course. Until I found out myself. How creative!"Jason blurted out and let out another emotionless chuckle.

"At least I deserve to know my real name. I deserve this much."
He had to get out of here before he did something he'd regret later.

"Alexander Norman."


"Man,can we meet up at nine? I'll pick you up from your place."

Jason said hoping Jordan would agree. He was the only one he could actually talk to right now that could stop him from doing anything stupid.

" Woah,you sound like shit's about to hit the fan. Nine it is."Jordan said and then the line went dead.


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