Chapter 38

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"Yes I did it!"

This sentence continued echoing in my head and ears. I already knew he was guilty of his crimes but then to hear him admit it by himself hit differently.

"That bastard Kirk! He had everything I didn't have. Life was so rosy for him."

"Keep my father's noble name out of your stinking God-forsaken mouth you filthy and heartless animal!" I screamed as I got up. Britney tugged on my arm and gradually calmed me down. Masha signalled me to calm down. I resumed my seat as the proceedings continued.

"I mean what's the point of dragging the truth when he is already burning in hell where he belongs together with his bitch Lucia" He laughed hysterically as he smirked at me.

"Watch your tongue Mr. Sandlers!" The judge barked.

"I killed Kirk. Well...indirectly. With help of course" He said and continued smirking. I wanted to tear that smirk off his face badly.

"Shortly after I got married to Lucia, I transferred all of Kirk's property into my name. Oh Lucia! So gullible and stupid. She fell for my lies. I told her to abort that stupid baby. But that baby had a mind of it's own so shortly after she was born, I dumped her at the stairs of a wretched homeless shelter. Clonesworth Shelter. Sh might be dead by now due to starvation, who knows?" He said and let out another maniac snicker.

Clonesworth Shelter. I had to find my sister.

"I threatened to kill Lucia if she ever told anyone that I had a hand in Kirk's death. I had evidence that implicated Lucia rather as the killer so one wrong move on her part and she was as good as dead. She knew better than to play smart."

So my mom was innocent after all. She was just a victim of circumstance.

"When Alexander or Jason rather I'm told-" He drawled and shot me a sick look.

"-Was about nine, I forced him out of the house. I was already sick of his nosy ass. I had to get rid of him. So I drove into the middle of nowhere and dumped him there. I wanted him to die there. After all, what was his use?"

" I stole from the Haynes as well. Newsflash. And oh, Emiliano is an old friend." He snickered one more time.

" As Hunter Sandlers has confessed to all his crimes, is there anything you would like to say in his stead?" The judge asked Hunter's lawyer.

"Nothing My Honour".

"Very well then. I think we have dragged this issue enough. With all the evidence here pointing to the fact that Hunter Sandlers is guilty of all these charges, he is thereby charged with thirty years imprisonment with hard labour by the powers vested in me by the state."

"Also, by the powers vested in me by the state, I charge Emiliano forte with thirty years imprisonment as well on the various charges of drug trafficking and sex slavery and trafficking. This is my judgement!" The judgement hit his gavel on the desk and stood up to exit the courtroom.

Britney squeezed my hand slightly to offer me comfort as I nodded with a curt nod and smiled. I sighed in relief.

Justice had been served. For my mother. For my father. And for my dear friend. Jordan.


There he lay.

Jordan Matthews,
Dear Son, Brother And Friend.
Gone but forever in our hearts!

Buried deep under the earth and I couldn’t reach him. I couldn’t see him. I couldn’t tell him how I felt. How justice had been served in his honour.

"Hey bro! Been a minute" I let out a humorless chuckle and sat on the even patch of fresh grass by Jordan's tombstone. The pain was tugging at my heart threatening to shred it into bits and pieces.

" We finally caught Emiliano. I know that has been on your wishlist for sometime now. Yes, has! You're still alive in my eyes. You're not dead to me." I let out another humorless chuckle as the tears stinged my eyes and dropped slowly.

"I have avenged your death my dear friend." I lay on his tombstone and balled my eyes out.

"You'll forever be in my heart. I'm starting afresh but with you in my heart. I'll always love you man!" I said and wiped my wet cheeks as I stood up from the grass.

With one last look at Jordan's resting place, I turned around and started walking towards my car.


Finally, we say a goodbye to all the villains😂😂.
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