Chapter 40

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"You're my sister."

"What do you mean by I'm your sister?"Miranda asked looking confused. The shelter owner kept staring at them shooting dirty looks.

What was her problem?
Jason mentally asked himself and shot her a dirty look as well. She resumed chewing her gum and popping it noisily.

" I'll explain everything properly soon. Let's get out of here first. Alright?" Jason scanned the dirty broken walls for the last time and grimaced.

" I want to take her with me right now. Are there any procedures to follow?"

" Absolutely not. She was just being a nuisance anyways." The woman said and attempted to bat her eyelashes at him.

"Great then."


"You met our mom?"

"Yes I did. She got buried a few days ago. She died from cancer." Jason said and sipped his cappuccino.

"I've being in that shelter for as long as I could remember. And I cried every night thinking that my parents did not want me. Especially my mother.  I had no idea that she was just a victim of circumstance." Miranda said and sipped on her coffee.

"And did my father hate me that much to have wanted me aborted?And when the abortion didn't work, he abandoned me at the doorstep of a miserable homeless shelter" She continued.

"Forget about that monster with no conscience. The most important thing right now is that I have found you."

Jason took out a photograph of Lucia. Miranda stared at the picture intently as tears welled up in her eyes.

"So what made you look for me?" She asked. Jason sipped a little again and then sighed.

" It was mom’s last wish. For me to find you. After Hunter confessed to all the crimes and atrocities he committed, I knew that I had to find you by all means. You're the last living piece of me and I had to find you." Jason said.

"You know for a second, I thought I was going to die in that shelter. The owner- she-s-she w-would...."

" Would what? Go on Miranda. Tell me everything." Jason said.

"Oh hey! Why are you crying? Please don't cry. I'm here for you now." Jason said as he wiped the tears that slid down Miranda's cheeks.

He pushed his chair near hers and engulfed her in a warm embrace. She whimpered as the sobs silently racked her body. Jason patted her hair softly in an attempt to comfort her. Thankfully, the coffee shop was empty that morning so people weren't around.

"Shh it's okay. I'm here now. No one can hurt you anymore."

" She would starve us for days at the least provocation or the least mistake we made. Even if she gave us food, it was a measly helping or stale food that was so cold. But I had to eat it anyways. There were times where I just wanted to end my life and put a stop to the suffering."

"At other times, she would lock me in the room after giving me a good beating. She would always threaten to kill me. She'd make me late for school everytime  by giving me numerous chores to finish."

" That bloody monster! I'll deal with her ruthlessly. I promise you" Jason said and cleaned her wet cheeks.

"Thank you for coming for me. If I had stayed there a little longer, I'm sure that I would have died. Thank you so much."

" Shh. You don't need to thank me. You suffered so much for something you shouldn't even be a part of. That monster is behind bars getting what he deserves. I'll use the last drop of sweat and blood I have to make sure that the shelter owner also goes to jail for abusing you."

"Okay. Enough of the pity party. Let's get you home now."

"Home?" She asked.

"Yes. Home." Jason replied and shot her  a warm smile.

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My my my! How was this chapter?
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Last chapter coming right up!


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