Chapter 22

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"Oh Jason. You're here."

"Of course I'm here. Where else would I be?"Jason retorted sarcastically at his father's comment.

"What is this about dear father?"290He stressed on the word father and then chuckled humorlessly.

He had completely ignored the fact that he was not the only one in the study with his father but he did not seem to care about that.

"Have a seat. Please."The plea reached the old man's eyes as he sighed. Jason reluctantly took a seat.

"You remember the conversation we had about you learning the basics of running our company,right?"

He sighed and then looked up at him. Could this not wait? He was worn out over the overwhelming chain of events that had just occurred.

He let out a strained yes and then turned his attention to the manthat was seated just a few inches away from him.

A paper fell from the file he was holding on his laps and then he leaned down a bit to pick it up. But before he could get up, something caught Jason's eye.

It was a tattoo.

Not just any tattoo.

A crown and then a skull on the side.

He had surely seen this tattoo somewhere before. He just could not place a finger on how exactly or where he had seen it.

A sudden strange feeling engulfed him. He shifted his attention back to his father.

"I've heard you."He mumbled after what seemed like hours of his father ranting on about him stepping up to the duty of taking over the family company.

"I'll take my leave now."The man said and then got up. Jason could not wave off the strange feeling that swept over him again.

"It was a pleasure."Kendrick said and extended his hand for a handshake.
Soon after the man left the study, Jason sat down,deep in thought.

"I have decided to look for my real parents."Jason announced.

"That's great."Kendrick responded.

"Well,apparently,you guys told me I suffered retrograde amnesia when I was young. But then my memories are being jerked by these nightmares I have been having for a while now."

"And I keep seeing a man in my dreams. I don't know how my he's connected to me but then he is in all my nightmares. In one of my nightmares, I saw a tattoo on his arm. And strangely,that's the same tattoo I spotted on the arm of your business associate that just left your study."He continued.

"What if that was just a big coincidence?"Kendrick asked.

"What if it isn't just a coincidence? I have a bad feeling about that man." Jason said.

"The tattoo is not enough grounds for you to base your suspicion on. There are millions of people who have matching tattoos."Kendrick responded.

"Which is exactly why I'm going to search every single hospital in the country for the record of my birth by my real name, Alexander Norman."

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