Chapter 31

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"Force me!"

My blood was boiling and that was even an understatement of how I was feeling right now. I wanted to rip the man that was currently sitting in front of me apart. I wanted to kill him desperately so that he would not live to see another single day.

"Don't make me regret being gentle with you because I am dying to tear you apart right now.Tell us the truth." I said clenching my jaw and gritting my teeth. He was such a temptation. Trying to push me beyond my limits.

"Well,I'm going to tell you the truth anyway because it's not going to change anything. The harm has already been done. And I can die peacefully if you wish to kill me. I've achieved my target" Hunter said and let out a short humorless chuckle.

"Talk you psychopath." I said impatiently. I was running out of patience at this point. I was desperate to force the truth out of him no matter what it took.

"I am your stepfather." Hunter spat out flatly and stared at me intently.

"You must be joking." I said and chuckled shaking my head slightly. I did not want to believe all the words that came spewing through his mouth.

"Believe it or not. That's the truth." Hunter said and smirked. I wanted to slap that smug look off his face this very minute. I raised my hand to slap him but Gregory's hand caught my wrist mid-air rendering my mission useless.

"You know that we cannot use any form of physical abuse." I stared back at Gregory and put my hand down in defeat sighing in a frustrating manner as Hunter continued smirking widely at me slightly amused at what was going on.

"I married your mother after your father's death. Oh Lucia! So gullible . She's such a fool. I didn't make her out as a stupid one. My little puppet"Hunter let out another nasal snicker that made me clench my fists tightly as my blood coursed vigorously through my veins.

It took every grain of self-control in me not to pounce on him across the table where he was seated directly facing me and punch him across the face right now.

Lucia! So that was my mother’s name.

"Shortly after I married her,I took over your father's properties. I got everything transferred into my name and account. She thought I loved her. So stupid of her to think that." He let out another snicker and sneered.

"Don't you talk about my mother like that you moron!" I shouted and slammed the table loudly resounding into a heavy thud.

"Oh relax! You don't even know her. Why are you defending her? You surely do not know what she is capable of. It wouldbsend shivers down your spine." Hunter said and smirked widely.

"Kirk." Hunter said and contorted his face into an expression that seemed like it pained him for the name to roll down his tongue. His face bore the expression of anger,disgust and hatred all at once.

I furrowed my eyes in a questioning mannner.

"Who is Kirk?" I asked curiously feeling the strong urge to strangle him so he could spit out everything.

"Your father." He answered in a split second. I saw the venomous look of hate that flashed across his eyes for a little fraction of time as he said it.

I wondered why he hated my father so much. What at all did he do to him to merit such strong hatred?

"We were friends but I secretly hated him. He had everything I didn't have."

"Why did you hate him? What did he do to you?" I asked.

"What did he do?" Hunter asked amd laughed. "He took away my high school love. He had everything at his disposal. Very filthy rich. And I was left with nothing. Nothing."

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