Chapter 14

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"I'll kill you."

His voice boomed across the room. I shuddered at his voice.

"Not so fast."

He shouted when I made an attempt to scurry away from him.

There was no escaping this time. I heard eerie noises and the place looked very creepy.

He had covered his face with a mask,therefore, I could not see his face.

He turned his attention to a woman that was tied to a chair in the far corner. Her mouth was tightly sealed as she struggled to free herself.

I could not see the woman's face as well because her back was turned towards me.

As he focused his attention on the woman, I slipped quietly behind him to pull of his mask. I wanted to know the face behind the mask.

Just before I could do what I planned, he elbowed me ,making me fall on my stomach.

His sleeves had rolled up a bit and then something caught my eye.

A tattoo.

A strange and distinct one.

It was a crown and then a skull. That sent shivers down my spine. I tried struggling with him and then he kicked me in the stomach again.

I lost balance and fell. He then tied me securely to a chair and went back to the woman.

He continued torturing her. He seemed to be enjoying it very much.

Then,there were muffled noises. Noises that sounded like cries.

Cries of a baby.

It seemed to be having an effect on him as he held his head in a frustrating manner,screaming at the woman.


He shot the woman.


Pretty short chapter here!

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