Chapter 41

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"Welcome my dear!" Elizabeth greeted cheerfully as soon as Miranda entered the living room with Jason. She took long strides across the room to get to them and embraced Miranda in a long warm hug as soon as she got to them.

"Erm...thank you ma'am." Miranda said caught by surprise. She didn't know this woman but she liked her already. She had a warm and motherly aura around her.

Jason struggled to stiffle a laugh as Elizabeth squeezed the life out of Miranda in a poor attempt at hugging.

"Okay mom. That's enough. Don't squeeze the life out of her. I just found her." Jason said and laughed.

"Nice try." Elizabeth said and rolled her eyes at him. She let go of Miranda and smiled warmly at her.

"You're welcome my dear. Feel at home and don't hesitate to ask me for anything. Alright"

Miranda nodded at Elizabeth as she continued to speak. She looked uneasy at first but then she began to loosen up a bit over time.

"This is Nora. She is a part of our family and has been with us for a very long time. You can ask her for help as well with anything you'd like or want."

"Alright ma'am." Miranda responded.

"No no no. It's mom to you. Alright?"

"Alright ma'am I mean mom. Sorry" Miranda said and chuckled slightly.

"Alright then. See you guys later. I havr to run along now and buy some grocery for family dinner tonight."

" Alright bye."


" Mom and Dad, I want to use this opportunity to first of all thank you for taking me in as your own. If not for the both of you, I'd probably be dead by now. Thank you so much."
They had gathered for family dinner.

"And also I have forgiven you. I now understand that circumstances were beyond your control. Let us put all that behind us and forge ahead.  I love you guys."

" Aww that's alright son. We love you too." Elizabeth responded with a sweet smile.

" It's fine son. We love you too." Kendrick responded with a smile as well.

"And to the sweetest nanny ever, I love you Nora!"

"I love you too Jay!" Nora responded.

"What about me?" Britney whined as she made funny faces at Jason.

"I was coming to you drama queen." Jason said as the whole table erupted into laughter.

"And to my two adorable sisters Britney and Miranda, I love you guys. And I thank God that I was able to find Miranda too." Jason said and slightly squeezed their hands as they were sitting on either sides of him. Miranda shot him a warm smile and Britney stuck her tongue out at him. Typical Britney! Jason thought and rolled his eyes at her. He loved her all the same.

"And to Cassandra, thank you for being here. I appreciate all that you do."

" It's not a problem at all. I'm glad that I could be of help." Cassandra said and smiled warmly at Jason to which he reciprocated the smile.

"Alright then. Let's eat."

"Father Lord, please bless and sanctify this food with your precious so that it  will be a blessing and nourishment to our bodies. Amen!" Langdon shared the grace. Langdon was Nora's teenage son. He had come to visit his mother because school was on vacation.

"Amen!" Everyone chorused.

A few minutes after digging into the dinner of roasted chicken,vegetable rice and lasagna, Kendrick drew everyone's attention as he removed champagne from an ice bucket on the dinner table.

"My wife and I have an announcement to make. So....we have decided to take in Miranda as our own." All the pair of eyes at the table shot up in excitement.

"Thank you so much. This means a lot to me." Miranda said.

"No need to thank us dear. It's all good." Kendrick said and began unwrapping the cork of the champagne flute.

"To happiness and blessings!"

"Cheers!" Everyone chorused as they all held their champagne glasses high above their heads.


"Thanks for being here tonight."

" It's no big deal. As I said early on, it's a pleasure. And you've thanked me for the umpteenth time. 'Thanks' would hav been scarce by now if it was a commodity." Cassandra said and laughed slightly.

" Well..yeah...I-I had to just say it because that is the one thing that keeps pacing in my mind and besides if I attempt saying anything else now,I would just-"

Cassandra captured his lips in a kiss that very moment. He continued speaking against her lips which made a muffled sound.

" Jason. Would you shut up and just continue kissing me?" Casssandra said and let out a chuckle against his lips.

He took hold of her lips now kissing her passionately as if that was the last time he was ever going to set his eyes on her again.

He pulled away as both of them gasped for air. He took her hands into his and stared deeply into her eyes.

"Jason, I-"

"Shh..let me be the one to start today." Jason cut her off.

"I cannot get you out of my mind no matter how hard I try. Ever since our first encounter, I have been thinking about you. I guess I was just trying to get rid of the idea that I was deeply drawn and strongly attracted to you. I'm sorry for all the times that I have hurt you. You do not deserve any of that. Can we have a fresh start now? I love you Cassandra Griffo."

"Of course Jason Haynes!" Cassandra replied and locked her lips with his one more time.


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