Chapter 34

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"Someone call an ambulance!"

"The court is adjourned!" The judge said; his hitting of the gavel on his desk jolted me back to reality.

I watched as the paramedics rushed into the courtroom with a stretcher. They lifted Lucia's body onto it and hurriedly pushed the stretcher towards where the ambulance was packed outside.

I rushed towards my car,got into it and followed closely behind the ambulance.

Once the ambulance got to the hospital,they rushed Lucia inside. I wanted to go inside with her but a nurse stopped me.

"I'm sorry sir but you can't enter right. She's in a critical condition. Hospital policies." She gave me a sad look and shrugged then walked away.

I don't know why I followed her to the hospital when all I was feeling towards her was anger. I was still filled with bitterness and rage but there was an unsettling warm feeling in my chest that I couldn't explain.

I pulled out my phone and texted Mom that I would be late tonight. I hadn't exactly forgiven her and Dad but I did not want her to worry about my safety.

I scrolled through my contacts till my eyes landed on one contact. Cassandra.
My heart did a little leap and a small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. I lifted my thumb over her contact about to tap on it and then I stopped.

No way. I couldn't bring myself to text or call her especially after our last encounter. Our last encounter wasn't so good or let me rather say didn't end well. It was entirely my fault. Like I was a total jerk to her and now I don't know how to fix it. Or I was too proud to.

I run my hand through my hair feeling the tangled strands in my palm. I slumped onto a sofa which was at the waiting area.

I looked around briefly taking the surroundings in. I sighed. I was so nervous because the last time I was here wasn't so good. That was the day my Dad had a heart attack when Hunter pulled one of his ridiculous stunts.

Hunter was more than the devil himself. Just a heartless,ruthless man.

A part of me wanted to forgive Lucia but another part of me was still very furious at her. For not trying hard to get away from Hunter. I don't think I was ready to forgive her anytime soon.

Just waiting and not doing anything was making me go crazy so I just scrolled through my gallery.

My eyes turned misty and tears sprang to my eyes when my eyes landed on his picture. Jordan. I just realise how much I missed him. Gosh! He was my go-to man like literally my brother. My thoughts were interrupted by the opening of a door.

A doctor emerged from Lucia's ward. I rushed towards him.

"How's she doing?"I asked worriedly.

"Are you family?"The doctor asked lookimg at me intently.

"Yes." I simply stated even though I knew he wanted to know the relation between us.

"She's stable now. You can see her briefly because I would like to talk to you as well."


I turned the knob and slowly peeked into the room. I entered and walked slowly towards where Lucia was lying. The noise from the Holter monitor monitoring her heart rate was the only noise that pierced the silence in the room.

I stood inches away from her as if I would cause damage to her if I moved closer. I turned back to look at the doctor.

"Is everything okay with her?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not. Can we go to my office so we can talk?" He asked.

I nodded my head and followed him to his office. Once we were in his office, I took a seat and waited for what he had to say.

"So doctor tell me exactly what is wrong with her. He sighed and then looked at me.

"This is very difficult for me to say but..." He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He was beginning to scare me.

"But what?" I asked.

"Lucia has cancer."


Well folks...another chapter dished.
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I love y'all!

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