Chapter 4

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I woke up screaming again. I eventually calmed down after drinking a glass of water that the little girl offered me.

“Did you have a nightmare sweetheart?”The woman asked. I nodded my head in an attempt to say yes.

She edged closer and hugged me. I just sat still staring at the little girl who continued smiling at me. Her black hair was held in pigtails and she still held onto her white, fluffy teddy bear.

“It’s okay. You’re safe now. Don’t worry”.
She said soothingly rubbing my back, helping me to calm down.

“Do you want to talk about it?” She asked. I shook my head and then pulled away from her embrace. Sensing my hesitation, she smiled and then signaled Nora to come closer.

“Take him to his room now and make sure he settles in just fine."
Nora nodded curtly and signaled for me to follow her. I followed meekly behind her. Gaping at the wide, long stretch of the exquisite hallway, I admired its beauty. My reverie was cut short when Nora turned the door knob, revealing a spacious room that I assumed was going to be my bedroom.

“Here you are dear. Call me if you need anything and I assume you already know me."

With that, Nora exited my room. My new room, far away from home. I felt a pang of pain and sadness as my thoughts raced back to my mother.

How was she now? What was my step-dad doing to her at the moment?

My thoughts shifted back to my present room. The room was painted off-white and there were detailed expert interior designs etched on it. A medium-sized chandelier hang above, illuminating the room with its fierce brightness.

I gaped a little when I opened the walk-in closet at the curved corner in my room.

It was stacked with clothes of my size. I closed the closet and walked back to my bed. Lying on it, Questions paced in and out of my nine-year-old immature mind.

Why couldn’t I have a normal life like kids my age?

Why did Dad leave so soon?

Why did I deserve to suffer?


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