Chapter 8

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New Jersey,USA

"Hello family!"

I rolled my eyes at the voice. I internally groaned. Of course I knew who it was and I didn't even bother to turn around. I was too focused on my food. My stomach was growling.

"I'm very good brother. Thanks for asking."Britney said rolling her eyes as her voice dripped with sarcasm.

Not that I looked up at her to see if she really meant was she said but then it was something she'd always do no matter what. I was used to it.

"That's no way to greet your sister,young man."My mom said playfully swatting my shoulders.

"Not you too mom."I mumbled and covered my face in frustration.

Nora giggled as she brought the desserts to the table. I offered her a warm smile and she smiled back and patted my hair.

"Oh Nora. Not you too!"I grumbled.

Nora just simply chuckled and left the table where I was still sitting at with Mom and Britney who appeared to be typing her life away on her phone screen.

"What's up with you today,Mr Grumpy pants?"Britney asked with a scowl and continued looking intently at her phone screen.

Gosh! What was so interesting on that phone anyways?

I rolled my eyes and continued eating.
Britney started chewing bubblegum quite noisily and tapping her screen.

"Can you just chew like a civilised human being? Geez." I said rolling my eyes at her again but she wouldn't budge. She continued chewing noisily and popping the gum in an annoying manner.

" I said stop-"

I wanted to say something but I was interrupted by Mom.


"It's fine Mom. I was even about to leave."I said as I packed my desserts on a large tray ready to leave the table.

"I'm going to my room. Catch you later."
I told her as I left but not before catching Britney sticking her tongue out at me.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Again! She could be a baby sometimes.

As soon as I got to my room,I slumped onto my bed and pulled out my MacBook.

I logged into my email account.
My heart jumped when I saw a notice.

Response from Crestwood School of Criminology And Forensic Sciences.

I tapped on it without delay even though I was nervous. I hadn't expected their response to come so swiftly.

The message read:

Congratulations Sir Jason Haynes.
You have been successfully enrolled in Crestwood School Of Criminology And Forensic Sciences.
We look forward to impacting you positively.

I did a little victory dance around my room.

I dug into my desserts happily.

This was a dream come true for me.

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