Chapter 17

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"Shit's definitely hitting the fan."Jordan remarked as he watched his dear friend drink so much at nine in the morning. He wondered what could possibly be wrong with Jason.

"Oh yeah. Shit has hit the fan my brother."Jason said and chuckled like a lunatic,attracting a few stares from the bar attendants and a few people that were present at the bar.

"Talk to me man. You look so messed up."Jordan said.

"Well..newsflash. I'm Norman not Haynes. "Jason said and took another shot of beer.

"What do you mean?"
Jordan had a confused look on his face.

"I was adopted." "My real name's Alexander Norman. Turns out my whole life has been a lie. "

Jason said and took another shot. He signalled the bar attendant to bring him more shots.

Jordan sighed. This was a messed up situation. He felt sorry for him. He must be going through a lot,he thought.

"I'm sorry about that man. I can imagine how you must be feeling by now. The truth was hidden from you all these years."

"But maybe they had a reason why they hid it from you."Jordan said and took a sip of the Brandy in his glass.

"Which reason would be justifiable enough?"Jason blurted out.

"Maybe they had their reasons for keeping the truth from you." Jordan tried to reason with him.

"But there's no reason justifiable enough for them to keep my past away from me. I deserve to know that much."

"I kept having nightmares. I suffered retrograde amnesia when I was younger so I had forgotten all the events that unfolded in my past. But then when I started having these nightmares for the past few months,my memory started jerking up bit by bit. I confronted my mother about it and she told me the truth."

Jason said and took another shot down like his life depended on it.

"That's messed up. No one deserves that.
I'm sorry man."Jordan said in attempt to comfort him.

Jason continued drinking. It was clear that he was in pain. Jordan decided to stop him. If he continued drinking like this,he'd end up with a severe hangover.

"That's it man. You've had enough. Let's go."Jordan said and pulled Jason away from the barstool before he could drink more.He had had enough alcohol.

They were stuck in traffic and continued talking. Jordan offered to drive because he felt like Jason had alcohol and was not in his right senses to drive.

Jason mumbled and ranted on about random things. He wasn't making sense at some points but Jordan knew the alcohol was speedily taking effect.

He occasionally laughed at some random funny things Jason threw in. Jason felt better laughing too.

Jordan slowed down and continued talking.He whistled and raised his eyebrows at Jason.


Jason asked. He was fidgeting with his phone and wasn't really paying attention.

He knitted his eyebrows in surprise when he finally got air of what Jordan was signalling to.

"Well,well,well,if today isn't a day for surprises."He mumbled in a frustrated tone and covered his face with his palm.

Jordan stopped the car and unbuckled his seat belt. Jason looked at him questioningly, wondering what he was about to do.

"What the hell do you think you are doing man?" Jason asked staring at Jordan like he had suddenly grown horns on his head.

"Offering help."Jordan said and got down. Jason glared at him and then returned to fidgeting with his phone.

He heard a tap on the window and looked up to see Jordan tapping on his side's window.

He rolled the glass up and glared up at him with an annoyed expression.

He blurted out.

"Get your shit together and get down. Now."Jordan said and glared back at him

"Fine."Jason said,glared back and finally got down from the car.

"Cassandra."Jordan said. She turned around to see who had called her.

"Oh Jordan.Hi."She said and offered a warm smile. Her tone was laced with relief.

"I hope you're good. What's wrong?"
Jordan asked.

"It's my car. It stopped and wouldn't budge anymore."She said and then made a brief eye contact with Jason before looking away again.

"Hi Jason."She said.

Jason looked at her and then looked back his phone screen,totally ignoring Cassandra.

"Don't mind him. He's really not in the right state of mind."Jordan quicky jumped to his rescue after giving him a quick glare.

"Don't worry. It's fine. Really."She saidand nodded slightly.

Jason stole a glance at her but the small smile she was fighting to hide caught his attention and did not escape his notice.

That smile!

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