Chapter 7

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I winced in pain as I tried to open my eyes. I was utterly confused as I couldn’t see clearly.

I winced in pain as I tried to open my eyes. I was utterly confused as I couldn’t see clearly.

Where was I?

I started panicking because nothing seemed to make sense to me. I wanted to scream.

My whole body was in pain.“Take it easy dear. Lie down."I turned to see who was talking. It was a woman talking.

And then my eyes flicked to the girl standing by her. I remembered the girl but definitely not the woman.

What was going on?

Something very strange was going on.

Apart from the extreme pain my body was in, I couldn’t remember anything that led to me being here.

I couldn’t even remember my name. I instantly went into panic mode.

“Please relax. You’ll be fine."The woman said in an attempt to calm me down as she patted my shoulder softly.

Every single part of me ached. I must have gotten into a really terrible accident.

But how?


I was really getting frustrated because I couldn’t remember anything except for the little girl standing by her mother.

Something was very wrong because the woman seemed to know me.

But they weren’t the only ones in the room with me.

I glanced at a man standing at the door.
He had guilt written all over his face.

I was wondering what was going on. I felt like screaming. I needed someone to explain what in the world was going on.

“How is he?”He asked solemnly.

“Oh, now you care?" The woman retorted. She snorted and fixed her attention on me.

My legs were placed in a cast and a drip was connected to my arm. My other arm was connected to a machine that was beeping steadily. I was really confused.

There was an uncomfortable silence that was in the room; so thick that you could cut it with a knife.

A man that I gradually recognized as the doctor entered the room.He was wearing blue scrubs and looked like he was middle-aged. He had a sad smile on his face.

“How is he doing?”The man asked.

The doctor sighed and proceeded to ask me questions which I had no answers to.

“I’m sorry to break this news to you but he has retrograde amnesia which simply means that he would be unable to remember past events and memories. This was due to the concussion he suffered from the accident."

I gasped at the revelation. I was a nine-year-boy but I surely knew what amnesia was. I heard about it quite a number of times.

“So, there’s no chance at all that he would be able to remember anything from the past? He can’t even remember his own name."

The woman asked.

“That’ll be by chance. There’s only a narrow possibility of his past memories returning to him. But he waking up from the coma sooner than expected is quite a good sign. We’ll keep him here for a few days to monitor his progress closely. He would be discharged soon if he makes good progress.”

The doctor offered me a slight smile and left the room.I was trying really hard to remember what had led to the accident and what had happened but I just couldn’t formulate any memory.

I turned my head to the other side, clearly not wanting to talk to anyone. I felt a light tug on my hospital gown.

I turned around to see Britney stare at me with concern in her eyes.

She was glued to her teddy bear as usual. I offered her a weak smile and unconsciously, my eyes darted across the room to the man and woman there.

The man stood there looking defeated as he stared continuously at the woman.

“Let’s adopt him”.

This has been my longest chapter so far. What do you think of this chapter? Don't forget to leave a comment😊.

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