Chapter 15

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"Please let me go."


He continued dragging the boy, not bothering to listen to his plea.

"Please let him go. I'm begging you."

She added. She desperately pleaded. She did not want any harm to befall him.

"I'll do whatever you want me to . Just let go of him please."

His eyes glistened and he grinned as soon as he heard those words.

Finally,a way to get rid of him.

He thought.

"Well,well,well,let's get of him then."

He said and laughed like a lunatic. He tied the boy's hands behind him with a thick rope ,dragged the boy out of the room and pushed him inside his car.

He sped off and soon, a deserted place came in sight. It was snowing and the place was freezing cold .

He stopped the car suddenly and then pulled the boy out.His eyes twinkled with delight.

"Are you going to leave him out here in the middle of nowhere?"

The woman asked. Fear and worry was evident in her eyes.

"Oh yeah. Or you prefer I kill him? I want him to die naturally without me pulling the trigger and I think this frosty cold is just enough to do the job. See you in the next life, Alexander Norman."

He kicked the boy to the side and walked off. He sped off,leaving the boy there alone.

Soon enough,the cold started getting to him as he slumped onto the cold ground.
He whimpered as he felt his eyes gradually shutting. He felt like he was about to die soon.

Out of nowhere,an oncoming car's headlights flashed at him. Then he shut his eyes.


Beads of sweat broke on his face as he woke up with a start. His heart was pacing at an abnormal rate.

Two nightmares in one night. What was going on with him?

A sudden pain shot through his head and his vision became blurry. Unclear images started to form.

He clumsily reached out to his bedside locker to look for his painkillers. The pain threatened to tear his head apart.

His heart burned with rage and fury.
He stormed out of his room and stopped in his tracks when he saw his mother from outside. She was sitting on the balcony.

He went towards her direction. He slammed the glass door behind him as soon as he was outside facing her.

She looked at him questioningly and he sighed as soon as their eyes met.

"Who am I?"


Sooooo,how was this chapter lovelies?
The drama has just began😂.
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