Chapter 26

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"Can I talk to you for a the study?"I asked my father who looked at me with a surprised expression like I just dropped from the sky. There was still tension between us so the last thing anyone expected was for me to request his audience.

"That's fine."He said excusing himself from the table he was currently sitting at with Mom.I gave a slight nod of acknowledgement and stepped out with Dad into the study.

Once I was sure that the door was locked securely behind he, I took a seat on the swivel chair in front of his desk that was littered with books and files full of papers that had business deals on them.

"What is this about?"He asked,moving straight to the point.

"Actually,this is about the man you have a business deal with. I keep getting the idea that he has got something to do with my past. I have been getting anonymous notes and messages from an unknown number for a few days now. Chances are that he might have eavesdropped on our conversation the other time when he left the study."

He sighed and looked at me as if he was having a hard time believing what I was telling him."Hunter seems like a trustworthy person to me."

I sighed and hit my hand on his desk,causing some of his papers to fly to the polished marble floor. He gasped, taken aback by my sudden outburst.

"This is one of the many problems I have with you Dad. You trust easily. And blindly."I emphasised on the word blindly and shook my head.

"Hunter.Oh so that's the bastard's name."I scoffed. I wanted to find out more about him. I wanted to confirm my suspicion about him. I wanted to know whether I was right or wrong.

"Jason, you can't be sure of that. You just met him for Christ's sake."He said.

"What's his full name?"

"Hunter Sandlers."

"Good."I said and smiled.

"What are you planning to do?"Dad asked arching his eyebrows questioningly.

"What I should have done from the start. Find out all about him."

My phone buzzed in my hand and a message lit the screen. My expression morphed instantly as soon as I read the text.

Check the safe. Have fun. XOXO.

"Dad. The safe."I said and looked at him with widened eyes as my mouth went dry.


"Yes officer. We're the only ones who know the code to the safe."

I was currently being interrogated by a police officer who had come over as soon as I alerted them of the theft.

Someone had broken into our family's safe and got away with six million dollars and a much valued Haynes family tradition painting that had a ten-billion-worth pendant and ruby behind it.

My phone buzzed for the umpteenth time today.

I hope you guys are having an awesome family time.
PS. It was fun breaking into the safe.
Till next safe...ooops..I mean be on the lookout. You never know when I might strike again. Next surprise coming right up.

I was alarmed after reading it. The person who was behind it had to be monitoring them really closely to be able to pull off something like this.

"And do you have any suspects in mind?"The policer asked as he scribbled something in his notebook.

"Yes. A certain Hunter Sandlers."

"And why is he your suspect?" The police officer asked,waiting for me to reply.

"It's a very long story but I'll make it short. I've started looking for my real parents." I started and paused when I saw the look of sadness wash over Mom's face.I brushed it off quickly and continued.

"I couldn’t remember anything from my past but then I suddenly started having these nightmares that jerked up my memories even though they're still not clear."

"In one of my nightmares, I saw a tattoo on the arm of a man. It was a crown and then a skull on the side. Coincidentally, that was the exact tattoo I spotted on Hunter's arm at the same place I had seen it on in my nightmare. His arm."

"He came over to Dad's study last week and soon after he left, I had a conversation with Dad concerning finding my real parents. Strangely, I started receiving anonymous notes and messages the day after our conversation. How coincidental is that?"
I said.

"Very well. We'll look into it and get back to you."The police officer said and then took a quick leave.

"Thank you very much officer. I'd appreciate that very much. Our lives are literally in danger so we would be grateful if you are very swift on response to this issue."I said.

He offered me a small curt nod signalling goodbye and walked out.

Just then, Dad's phone buzzed and his hands were shaking after he read something on his phone.

He handed it over to me to read.

I hope you're having fun. I got away with a whooping 5 million dollars from the company coffers. You'll never find me. Bye Haynes:). And for the record ,this is Hunter.

Fury and rage fumed and churned inside me. He had bolted away with our family treasure and money and now money from the company's account. Dad's hardwork and sweat. My jaw twitched in anger. I was going to tear him apart if I ever laid eyes on him.

But he had to have an insider he was working with. And I'm sure he had someone that was monitoring our activities very closely. Our lives were really in danger.

My heart slammed against my rib cage as I stood there dumbfounded and utterly surprised. What in the world was going on?


I always had a feeling that man was up to no good.




Mom shouted and hurried over to Dad's side.She was trying to soothe  and calm him down.He was having a panic attack and it didn't look good at all.Dad was gasping for air. He was frantically clutching his chest and could not speak.

"Quick! Britney. Call for help."I shouted over to Britney. She was literally fumbling with the phone in her hands.

"Emergency. Haynes Mansion. Cinammom Street. House number 25."



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