Chapter 23

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I froze when I heard the shattering of glass. My heart thumped hastily in my chest. It was dusk and the sun had just set. I was sitting at my desk typing on my laptop when I heard the noise.

I got up and made way out of my room. The noise appeared to have come from the balcony.

Nora was examining the pieces of broken glass on the floor and clutching a piece of paper when I went to the balcony.

Her face hosted the expression of shock as she handed the piece of paper over to me.

My eyes widened as soon as I read what was on it.

Always a step ahead of you. Watch your back Jason.

Who had written this note? And how did the person bypass the security system? And the shattering of glass?

His palms became sweaty as all these questions raced in his mind. Nora nodded her head slightly and left him there,absorbed in his thoughts.

Slowly,it started to drizzle. He was home alone with Nora. The drizzle soon turned into a heavy rain. He went back into his room.

Just when he entered his room,the lights went off. He felt something unusual was happening. His phone buzzed at that moment.

Message from unknown number:

I hope you got the surprise. Have fun.

Apparently,someone was watching him.
But who was it?

The lights came back on again. He had to do something. Fast!
He dialled a number on his phone.

"Detective Andrew. I think someone's watching me."


Yeah,yeah,yeah...another short chapter😂
Don't worry.
A lot more drama is waiting to unfold.
And don't forget to vote.

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