Chapter 21

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I jerked up as my eyes fluttered open. A very familiar scent crept into my nose before I realised a pair of arms draped over my upper body. I looked down to see Cassandra soundly asleep.

I freaked out. How in the world did we get into this compromising position?

She stirred a little and then lazily opened her eyes. We stared at each other but not uttering a single word.

I groaned in pain and held my head. My head was aching severely. Must have been from too much drinking.Hangover.
She got up and made her way to the water dispenser near my bedside locker. I watched her intently,my eyes not tearing away from her for a single moment.

"Here you go."She said and handed over a glass of water and some painkillers to him.."This should help your headache to subside quickly." She said and offered me a warm smile.

"Thank you."I said and took the painkillers all at once in one gulp of water.

"Will you be there?"I asked.

"Yeah I'll be there."She responded. Her answer brought some unexplained relied to me.

Then an awkward silence clouded the room. We were both lost in our thoughts.

"I erm.. have to erm..get going now."
She said fidgeting with the strap of her purse and then turned around ready to leave.

"Wait."I said and held her hand. She turned around to look at me. She looked nervous.

"Thank you."I said and moved closer to her. She swallowed nervously."For?"She asked.

"For...."I said and edged closer and closer. We were literally breathing the same air. It would take just a few inches more and then our lips would collide. Of course I had to bend a little if I was going to kiss her.

She shut her eyes close as I moved my head closer.Then a sound interrupted. Her phone rang and I snapped out of my reverie.

What the hell was I thinking?

"I have to go now. I'll see you at the funeral service."She said and hurried out of my room.


"Jordan was a sweet,charming boy that was very nice to everyone. He didn't deserve any of this. And now my poor-my poor boy-is-is gone."

She said and sobbed again. This really broke my heart into further pieces. Jordan's mother had the whole congregation in tears as she read her son's tribute.

"May the Lord God accept Jordan's soul in heaven and let it rest in perfect peace. Amen." The pastor said.
"Amen."The congregation chorused.

At midday, a possession comprising of Jordan's family and friends was led to the cemetery. He was being laid to rest.

I broke down as they started lowering the casket into the ground. This was really breaking my heart. My friend was gone. Gone forever. Reality hit me in the face with absolutely no shame.

"He's gone but he'll forever remain in our hearts."I turned around to see who had rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Cassandra."I cried out and engulfed her in a hug, sobbing bitterly."It's alright. Let it all out."She said and smoothed by back gently which calmed me down after sometime.

I dropped my wreath and then walked away. Seeing the freshly dug up earth was tearing my heart apart.

It started drizzling lightly when I got into my car. I got a message from Dad requesting my presence. I drove slowly as I turned the music up and allowed my mind to wander.


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