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It's Sunday and Zechariah hurriedly dresses up as he puts on blue shirt, grey trousers and black tie. He picks up his Bible and hymnal as he exits the room. He calls out to Jael immediately he reaches the living room.
"I'm coming bro. Just a few minutes." She pleads.
"I don't think I have a few minutes to spare. We're almost late for workers prayer."
"I'm here jare." She appears in a red satin gown and gold platform heels holding a gold colored black in one hand and a red beret in the other. Turning to leave the house, he comments, "On top all the ten hours of dressing up."
"Na you sabi." She jokes as they both exit the house.
They board a taxi just outside the gate and head to church.

"Joyous celebration! Joyous celebration!" Zechariah leads as he is about rounding up the praise and worship session. The service is in full vigour as the congregation doesn't want to be left out. The drummer increases the tempo as the back up singers take up the song.
"Joyous celebration! We are here to praise, here to praise the Lord."
  "Oh! Oh! Alleluya! I serve a living God oo." He leads again.
"Oh! Oh! Alleluya! I serve a living God ooooo." The back up singers drawl as the drum comes to an halt. The church evangelist picks up the microphone.
"Praise the Lord!"
"Praise the living Jesus!"
"We shall proceed with today's service by singing from our hymn book Hymn 76. Praise my soul the king of heaven." The keyboardist takes the intro and the church service proceeds.

   Immediately after the offering collection, the church is silent as the Pastor moves to the pupilt.
"Praise the Lord church!"
"Alleluya!" Everyone brings out their writing materials prepared to put down the Rhemas for the day. "Let's bow our heads for prayers." He starts and leads the church in prayers.
"In Jesus name we pray!"
"Our topic today is patience. Hebrews 12:2. It says, "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of God."
"Our God though it looks like he has forgotten us or doesn't remember us actually has us in mind. You see, patience is enduring that moment when everything is so tight that no one can help. That moment when you feel like no help is coming but you do not do things that are contrary to God's will. Remaining in the faith when you know that no help is coming. When you ask and ask but don't receive and you don't get angry. That's patience. We can see in that scripture that Jesus was patient enough to endure the shame and the suffering. And at the end he received his reward. He now sits at the right hand of God. What follows patience? Glory! Be patient enough to get your own glory so that you do not lose what is yours to another. Alleluya church!"
Zechariah is swiftly catching Rhema and is really putting it in writing. The service comes to a close and Jael goes to meet her brother.
"Bro..... You did so well bro. Like it was amazing. I was just dancing and dancing ehn." She commends immediately he gives her attention.
"Ah ah. Oya I have heard ooo. All this hyping sef is okay." He beams and puts his arm around her shoulder. "Let's go home jare. I'm very hungry."
"Oya na. Let me go and cook something delicious for my angelic brother." He turns around for a while, "Zephaniah didn't come to church? It's been a while since he last came to church too."
"What's your business? Is it you it's affecting? Besides, shebi he's your brother. Ask him na." Jael retorts and they leave the church hand in hand.

Opening the door, they meet a laughing Mrs Chuks and Zephaniah seating on the blue couch.
"Good afternoon ma." Zechariah greets. "Afternoon." Their mother grumbles a reply as she turns to face Jael.
"Ehn ehn. You, go to the kitchen and prepare food for your brother."
"Shebi he has been at home since morning? Why didn't he cook for himself?"
"Will you keep quiet! Go and cook for him jare."
"I'm not cooking anything oo. He should feed himself."
"What do you mean by that? I practically pay for the first you are refusing to eat." Zephaniah interrupts.
"Excuse me Mr! I'm not your house girl go into the kitchen and cook for yourself." Jael takes her stand. Zechariah comes back into the room and takes Jael into his room.
"What was that for?" He queries.
"I'm sorry but your brother keeps acting like I'm his slave or something. Better warn him." Jael retorts.
"So he's not your brother?"
"Good forbid! You're my only brother and you know it."
"Stop jare."

Looks like Jael doesn't like Zephaniah my people. Tell it to your friends and relatives. Choice is moving. Do well to vote and comment.

Yours In Ink; Bethel ™

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