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Chapter 2 Picking up Cubs

Su Nianbai ran towards the cub lightly.

Sensing Su Nianbai's intentions, the stone statue, which had been stunned for a moment, moved again.

They raised their fists, and the huge fists rained down on Su Nianbai quickly.

However, in terms of simple confrontation, the stone statue is not Su Nianbai's opponent at all.

Seeing that Su Nianbai easily resisted several hammering blows, and even hammered the attacking stone statue further and further away, all the stone statues stopped in unison.

Looking at the cub who took the opportunity to sneak away not far away, the red light in the stone statue's eyes flickered wildly.

In the next second, a surging mental wave with an impact force at the SS level was launched brazenly.

——If you want to launch a mental power attack, you must first have the existence of spiritual power. This is the most basic common sense.

So facing the sudden mental shock from the stone statue, even Su Nianbai was in a trance uncontrollably for a moment, caught off guard.

On the other side, the cub who had just run out a few steps froze and was frozen in place.

The terrible wound hidden in the depths of the soul was torn and spread again under the spiritual impact of the stone statue. The already damaged and weak spiritual domain collapsed and collapsed, and even the consciousness began to slacken.

The cub gritted his teeth, summoned his mental strength and forced it, and felt dizzy and humming in his head for a moment.

At this moment, the stone statue closest to the cub moved. Aiming at the cub who was frozen in place, it slapped itself hard.

In the silent woods, a muffled hum suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by a tooth-piercing sound of bone shattering, the cub on the ground was sent flying high.

As the blood sprayed, the cub's consciousness, which was already on the verge of collapse, completely collapsed, surrounded by boundless darkness, and the soul kept falling as if stuck in a quagmire.

Intense resentment and resentment burst out in despair, and at the last second before losing consciousness, the cub felt that he fell into a warm embrace.

"Don't be afraid, you are already safe."

Feeling the warm warmth in his arms, Su Nianbai's blank brain gradually began to function.

The scene when he first met the cub was so similar to the encounter with his younger brother when he was on Earth that it aroused the guilt and regret deeply buried in Su Nianbai's heart.

However, unlike the previous time on Earth, this time, he successfully rescued the cub.

Holding the cub with broken bones in his arms, who was still trembling even in a coma, Su Nianbai's voice was gentle, soothing and nostalgic.

"Don't be afraid, with me here, no one can hurt you."

Surrounded by the stone statues that Su Nianbai had overturned with his mental power, they were struggling to get up, their eyes flashing with red light.

Jumping back to avoid a hammer blow from the stone statue, Su Nianbai mobilized his healing ability.

With the slow influx of energy, the cub nestled in Su Nianbai's arms twitched.

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