Stop it Daddy! | Max Verstappen

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This is one of my first oneshots, I've fixed my writing now but read at your own risk


I sat on the couch Max on the other end and Micah in between us. I sat on my laptop placing our shopping order when I felt some skin touch mine, presuming it was Micah I carried on. When I glanced down I realised it was Max.

"Get your trotters off me!" I said shoving his foot off my leg. Micah looked up from his colouring book as Max put his cold feet back on me. "Max!" I protested pushing him off me again. He and Micah began to laugh at my growing frustration. In a swift manoeuvre I pushed his feet off me and put mine on his leg. He grabbed our son's nerf gun off the floor and shot me in the shoulder with it.

"Ha!" He laughed.

"That's not nice Daddy." Micah scolded him gently smacking his arm. Max scoffed at our son before gently hitting him with the pillow. "Stop it Daddy!" He said. Micah put his book down and stood on Max's knee and narrowing his eyes at his dad. Max effortlessly lifted Micah off his knee and placed him back down next to him.

"Right I'm done." I sat shutting my laptop and placing down on the table. "I'll put tea on." I told them both as they messed around.

"Ok." They nodded and I went into the kitchen I heard them clamouring and laughing. Max was probably tickling Micah.

I took out some food and began to make our dinner, spaghetti bolognese. I heard the boys stop being so noisy so either Max had hurt Micah and he trying to stop me from hearing or Max had managed to entertain Micah with his colouring book. I turned around to see Max enter the kitchen. I turned back around and continued with what I was already doing.

"Hey." He said pressing his body against mine from behind me. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into him. "Micah said he wants a little brother." He told me before connecting his lips to my neck.

"Mhm, well he can wait." I said dismissively as I chopped some veg he continued to kiss my neck.

"Well I can't." Max muttered into my neck his hands travelled down to my crotch and his fingers danced over it. His touch was electric as his lips kissed my neck and his fingers touched me, it sent my blood rushing. I moved my hand over Max's and pulled his up away from my crotch. He whined as I shifted them. Before Micah I would have happily obliged to a quicky but I'd rather not while he's here with us.

"Tough luck." I said to him as his hands rested on my stomach "You'll have to wait too." He hummed disappointedly into my neck.

"Daddy!" We heard Micah shout we turned and he was stood holding two of his pirate hats and swords. "Pirates! And stop smooching Mummy." Micah shook his head Max huffed impatiently before walking away to go with Micah. I sighed a sigh of relief before continuing with tea.

I heard Micah begin to cry and he came running in followed by Max.

"Daddy hit me!" He cried clinging to my leg. I lifted our son up and glared at Max, he then began to speak.

"I didn't." He defended holding his hands in the air as I shot him a look. "We were playing pirates and I accidentally hit him with the sword."

"Is that what happened?" I asked Micah he nodded still whimpering. I sighed before placing him down onto the breakfast bar Max came over too.

"I'm sorry Micah." He apologised wrapping him in a hug "You know Daddy would never hurt you." He said with one hand on Micah's head the other around his body. Micah nodded still crying.

That night Max and I had sex slightly louder than usual but thankfully Micah stayed asleep.

The next day I went to pick Micah up from school and his teacher pulled me aside and whispered to me. "Please could you wait till I've let all the children out, I need to talk to you." I obliged and stood to the side with Micah, he better not have mentioned about when Max accidentally hit him.

Once all the children had left the doorway I went inside to where the cloakroom was Micah waited in his classroom and I talked to his teacher Mrs Hartford.

"Right today during story time Micah stood up to say what his news was and his was that last night he'd woken up-"

"Oh no." I muttered covering my mouth.

"Yeah." She sighed "Said he'd woken up and heard you and his dad making funny noises from your bedroom."

"Right." I nodded ashamedly and very very red in the face.

"We explained that what people do in their rooms is private and that we don't need to tell anyone about it. I hope that's alright." I nodded in appreciation

"Yes that's great thank you." Micah and I then left and drove home.

"Daddyyy!" Micah grinned as he ran over to Max and they hugged

"Max." I said nodding towards the kitchen.

"One sec." He said lifting Micah up.

"Max." I said again and repeated my motion he huffed and put Micah down.

"Go put your stuff away and then I'll play Pirates with you again." Micah nodded happily and Max walked in with me.

"What is it?"

"Micah heard us last night." I said bluntly the colour drained from his face at the thought of our son hearing it. "And he told his whole class." His eyes widened in shock. "His teacher had a word with him and fingers crossed it doesn't happen again, we'll just have to do it somewhere else." I shrugged. "Or when he's at my mum's."

"Yeah." Max nodded

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