🐟 Meeting My Family | L. Norris

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I drove the car from the hospitality towards my parents house. I glanced over to Lando who was bouncing his leg up and down.

"You'll be alright you know." I said to him he nodded and continued. "Only person you need to be careful of is my Grandma, she can't speak English." He nodded uneasily he'd been nervous about meeting my parents since I told him a few stories of their harsh treatment of me and my brother.

"Is there anything I could do to make them like me?" He asked wiping his hands down his jeans and still bouncing his leg.

"No, just don't offer to help."

"Don't?" He questioned

"Don't." I reassured him. "My parents and grandma are very particular." He nodded I took a deep breath as I parked up outside the house.

"Anything else?" He asked nervously after glancing at the house and back at me.

"Yes, my dad will probably make fun of your accent." I told him and he nodded before we both got out the car. "Oh and they're all Ferrari fans." He let out a sigh as he shut the door.

"You'd have been better bringing Charles then." He scoffed I shrugged as the car beeped once I'd locked it. We walked up to the front door and I rang the bell.

"Lei è qui!" My mother shouted from inside before the white door was opened.
[She's here!]

"Chi è quello!" My grandma asked, she was a small women often wearing a cardigan and long skirt while supported by her walking stick. She jabbed the walking stick towards Lando and he looked at me nervously.
[Who's that]

"Don't look so scared." My mother chirped causing Lando look at her "Come in." She said pressing herself against the wall so we could walk in. She shut the door behind us and walked into the main house. I stood up after pulling off my trainers and Lando was still crouched down untying his.

"Nonna!" I snapped as she narrowed her eyes at Lando looking him up and down. My sharp comment caused Lando to look up but thankfully her focus had shifted to me.

"Non mi piace lui suo aspetto." She grumbled as she trundled over to her chair her walking stick clunking by the side of her. Lando placed his shoes neatly next to mine and we went into the house.
[I don't like the way he looks]

We walked into the living room and my dad wandered out the kitchen and welcomed us both.

"Hello Lando." He smiled towering over Lando's small stature. He nodded a weak smile on his face. "Don't look so scared, we don't bite." My dad gave him a firm hit on the back making Lando jolt forward slightly. "Except her Nonna." He whispered before letting out a hearty laugh afterwards and thudding back to the kitchen. I sat on the couch with Lando adjacent to my Nonna who was sat in the chair watching the telly.

"Lui un po' corto." My Nonna said to me as the adverts played, interrupting Lando and I's conversation.
[He's a little short]

"Nonna! Non importa!" I said to her Lando was looking at me as I conversed in Italian.
[Nonna! It doesn't matter!]

My mum walked into the room after hearing my Nonna's comments and defended Lando towards her.

"The food is done!" My dad shouted "ENZO!" he shouted and we heard his heavy footsteps from upstairs before he ran downstairs with his signed Sebastian Vettel cap on. My brother stood still his eyes wide and mouth agape while looking at Lando.

"Told you I wasn't lying." I grinned at my younger brother who was still stood still while looking at him. In true Enzo fashion when I told him Lando and I were together he immediately accused me of lying.

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