Hermana y hermano | Carlos Sainz

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POV: Y/n is the younger sister of Carlos Sainz (Jr) and a Rally Driver. They are both given a Ferrari and allowed to drive around a track for some PR for Carlos.

When Carlos and Y/n are talking to eachother it's in Spanish but I cba translating everything and writing it out twice. It will be in Italics when they are.


"Carlo!" I grinned giving my brother a hug as I saw him.

"Hey how are you?" He asked

"Good." I nodded "How about you?" I said as we walked towards his PR team.

"I'm great, even better that I get to drive you around." He grinned at me, I sniggered and the smile dropped from his face. "What did you do?"

"I asked them to add some jumps for me to do." I smirked as he looked at me in horror.

"No you didn't." He said I nodded with a smile, Carlos hated when I drove, simply because I didn't switch off my 'rally mode'. His PR manager came over to us and explained what we were doing and that we had to speak English too. She passed us two helmets and we got in the car.

I glanced over at Carlos who was not happy with this. It was a new rally car in the testing phase so really it's a good thing I'm doing. Not to sure what PR this is for but I'm happy about it.

"Three-two-one GO!" I shouted quickly before speeding off, I went towards the first jump and over it.

"Shit!" Carlos said gripped his seat as I drove more violently than usual. He gripped the bottom of his seat and I raced round the track. "Fuck!" He shouted as the car hit the ground after we lifted off the second jump. I laughed as my brother freaked out.

"You having fun Carlo?" I asked he quite clearly was not. He was alright when we were on the actual track, the jumps were a different story.

"I don't get how you do this for a living." He said to me as I whipped around the track corners and near the finish. I stopped at the line and my brother didn't hesitate to get out.

"I never thought driving would freak out an F1 driver." I laughed as I stood up out the car

"English." Carlos reminded me.

"I don't know how it's called." I shrugged

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