🧸 The Ferrari | Charles Leclerc*

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Follow on from 'Baby Fever | Charles Leclerc'

Elodie is 4 now

And I've spelt uncle like oncle because that's the French for uncle


"Remember oncle Arthur is picking you up from school." Charles reminded Elodie as he buttoned up the top button of her school shirt.

"I know." She beamed eagerly and ready to go and start her day, mainly so she could see Arthur 'quicker'. "Who's taking me?" She asked pulling on her red school cardigan now that Charles had done her button. He stood up and grabbed her school bag from the chair in her bedroom before answering her question.

"Me." He responded, Elodie fist pumped as she took her bag from Charles.

"I like when you bring me, all the boys think I'm cool when bring me." She explained as they walked downstairs past my office.

"Do they? Why?" Charles asked as he grabbed his car keys and Elodie sat down to put on her shoes.

"Because you have a Ferrari!" She said as if it wasn't obvious.

"Oh." Charles said his ego slightly bruised. He grabbed his sunglasses and placed them on before he pulled on his trainers. Elodie stood proudly by the door with her bag in one hand and her circular, silver-framed glasses and her face along with her cheeky grin. "Ready to go?" He breathed out as he stood up from tying his laces, she nodded vigorously before they both shouted goodbye up to me in my office.

"Have a good day Elodie!" I shouted back before hearing the door slam.

"Can we go fast?" Elodie asked grinning at her dad as she sat in the passenger seat of his car on her booster seat.

"Not today, it's busy." He told her, she hummed unhappily before he pulled off the driveway.

Charles parked up on the road leading up to the school, heads of the school children turned as he drove past and parked up.

Elodie leapt out of the car and eagerly waited for Charles so she could cross the road with him. He walked around to the pavement and took her hand in his before crossing the road with her. She pattered up the road her hand in her dad's while she looked out for her friends.

"Papa?" She said as they neared the gates, Charles looked down at her at hearing her say his name. "What's my middle name?"

"Julia." He responded

"Why?" Asked his daughter, unaware of what it meant to her dad.

"Because my friend was called Jules, but Jules is a boy name so we switched it to be the girl version." He explained as they walked through the school gates and into the playground.

"Ok." Elodie nodded her grasp falling from Charles' hand as she scanned around the playground for her friends. "Can I go and see Elle?"

"Yeah." He nodded and she handed him her bag before running off to another girl stood with her mum.

"Are you Elodie's dad?" A little boy asked as he ran up to Charles who nodded, the little boy's jaw dropped before he spoke again. "The one with the Ferrari?" He asked, Charles let out a huff before nodding again. The little boy then ran off to a group of boys and their parents to tell them what he had found out.

The bell then rang from inside the school causing Elodie to run over to collect her bag from her dad.

"Thanks papa." She beamed taking her bag from his hand "See you later!" She waved as she walked inside towards the doors, Charles waved back before leaving to come home.

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