I didn't do it! | Multi | Ghostface AU (PT 3)

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"Another two deaths." Carlos sighed out as he walked down the street with Charles by his side who's mind was clearly preoccupied.

"Yeah." He said he nodded "George and Lewis." He said to him, as he looked across the road towards the house surrounded by police tape and reporters. It was eerie for him to think that he and Carlos lived on the same street where two of their classmates were murdered last night.

"It's scary, like their picking off people in our class one by one." Carlos shuddered at the thought, being on the same street maybe he was next.

"Do you think we're next?" Charles asked, looking to his friend for the first time that morning that they'd been walking together.

"No, there's plenty other people in our class I'd wanna get rid of first." Carlos shrugged

"Oh yeah?" Charles challenged, any worry he previously had now suspended from his demeanour. "Who?" Carlos paused before answering.

"Logan." He said looking at Charles who looked up with a challenging smile on his lips.

"Really?" He laughed "Why?" He asked adjusting his bag on his shoulder, Carlos then explained his reasoning behind his decision and Charles nodded as he listened intently.

They both abandoned the conversation as they approached their school and many other students began to filter in along with Logan and Oscar who walked to school together.

The atmosphere was tense as they all sat in class now with 5 empty seats, never to be filled again.

The killers sat in the room looking around at the empty seats as everyone filtered in past them, one looked at the other who then nodded towards their next victim. The other passed an approving nod back and turned back into their seat with a small smirk resting on their lips.

Later on in the lesson Oscar and Logan were talking to each other about meeting up after school and going to one of their houses after school. Both of them completely unaware that both murderers were listening in intently.

"But I've got football at 6 so I'll need to leave at like 5:30." Oscar said, Logan nodded and they continued to talk before being told off by their teacher.

The murderers left class together their looks toward one another we're all they needed to converse their plans.

They both knew their exact plan but today only helped them out with it. They walked down the corridor together toward their next lesson before splitting off and walking with other people.

Logan and Oscar walked to their next lesson together and could hear Lando and Charles laughing behind them. Lando was always laughing at everything, even in serious situations or when the entire room was silent.

They all wandered into their next lesson and sat down the killers still eyeing up their next victim.

The bell sounded for the end of the school day and everyone began to walk home, Oscar with Logan and Carlos with Charles.

"I tell you I'm double locking the doors in my house tonight." Carlos said with a light laugh trying to make the situation seem less scary than actually it was.

"Yeah." Charles nodded "I will too." He nodded as they continued to walk home, Charles observed the houses as they wandered home and waved over to Oscar and Logan as they went into his house.

"I can't lie I'm kinda worried about this whole thing." Carlos said after he too had waved at Logan and Oscar.

"We'll be fine, don't be such a pussy." Charles said smacking his friends chest lightly. "Anyways I'll see you tomorrow." He said as he walked down his driveway.

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