Cheater | George Russell

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George let out a deep sigh as he and Lando made their way out of the paddock.

"What's wrong?" Lando asked looking up at George

"I think Y/n's cheating on me." He said to him opening his phone.

"You sure?" He asked, George nodded before showing Lando a photo he had taken of Y/n's message to someone else. "But I don't know his name because she hasn't saved his number."

"Call him from your phone." George shrugged at Lando's suggestion and entered the number into his phone.

"Put it on speaker!" Lando said excitedly George did so and they were horrified when they heard an instantly recognisable voice from the other end.

"Hi George, you alright man?" They looked at each other in shock as he spoke.

"Yeah I'm alright, just calling to ask if you could check I locked my trailer." He said quickly thinking of an excuse as to why he rang.

"Oh yeah sure, give me a second." They both went silent as George's heart sank, that's why she didn't save the number because he'd know who it was immediately. "Yeah it's locked."

"Ok thanks I'll see you tomorrow." George nodded hoping a pit would open beneath him and swallow him whole. Lando looked up at George as he stared down the phone.

"Yeah see you then, bye."

"Bye." He said miserably before hanging up. "Do I tell her I know?" He asked Lando as they walked towards their cars.

"I don't know." Lando shrugged "I just can't believe it's him. You definitely dialled the right number?"

"Yeah." George nodded sadly as he pulled his car keys out his pocket and clicked them to open his car, which beeped subsequently. "See you later." He waved to Lando who waved back and walked to his car.

Y/n stood on the phone to her lover.

"Yeah I'm gonna talk to him about it." She nodded "I just don't know how to say it."

"Just say, I'm sorry about what I've done but I've met someone else and I want to spilt up." He replied she nodded.

"But you're high profile too, if we're immediately together after I've split from George the media are gonna have something to say."

"I know, we'll just try and hide it for a while."

"Ok I hope you're right, I'll see you later."

"Yeah see you then." She replied before hanging up. Y/n took a deep breath and wandered downstairs to see George entering through the front door, he placed his things down and stood by her. "George I need to talk to you." He gave her a puzzled look, usually she called him Georgie.

"Yeah sure." He nodded taking a step closer causing her to back away slightly.

"I'm sorry but I've been seeing someone else." She admitted looking down at the floor.

"I know." He nodded "I just didn't want to say."

"How long have you known?"

"A few days." George nodded placing a hand under her chin and making her eyes meet his.

"I'm sorry." She apologised "I just don't think we're right for each other." She clasped her hands around his and took it away from her face.

"That's fine." He nodded even though it pained him to say it. "Who was it?"

"I don't think-"

"I do want to know. Did they know we were together?" She nodded "Then who?"

"Are you sure?"

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