Kiss | Charles Leclerc

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He is my ex. That's it now, that's all he ever will be. Nothing more and nothing less. That's what I like to think but he doesn't, not in the slightest.

A sly smile grew on his lips as he looked over at her from across the garage. Her green eyes still glittered in the same beautiful way. Her mousy brown hair cascaded down her back over the bright red polo she wore. Charles jumped out of his trance when two hands were sharply brought down onto his shoulders.

"Why'd you break up with her?" Carlos asked removing his hands from Charles shoulders and standing next to him, he looked away and stayed silent. "Charles?"

"What?" He snapped the small smile had now faded from his face. Carlos looked at him with furrowed brows at his sudden change in mood.

"Why'd you dump her?" He asked again, Charles huffed before answering.

"I thought she didn't love me anymore." He said quietly looking down at his feet as he heard her laugh from a few metres away. Carlos let out a deep sigh as he looked at Charles.

"But you still do?" He asked and Charles nodded before turning and walking away out of the room. He huffed before following after him as he walked down the corridor. "Why did you think she didn't love you?"

"I think I saw her kiss another guy, but I wasn't sure if it was her and I didn't have the guts to ask." He sighed clearly wanting to leaving this conversation alone. Carlos nodded before turning and walking in the opposite direction to him.

Later that day Y/n and Charles were in an elevator alone together.

"Did you ever kiss anyone else?" He asked boldly, he knew they weren't ever going to get back together so he decided to ask now.

"What? when?" She asked in confusion at his question.

"When we were together." He elaborated and she shook her head.

"No, not until a few days after we split." She shook her head looking over to him. He looked at her blankly thinking of what to say.

"Oh right. Are you seeing anyone new?" He asked trying to make the conversation friendly again. She nodded, her and her new boyfriend had been together for a few months.

"What about you?" She asked him

"No." He scoffed shaking his head and avoiding her gaze. "Nothing for me yet." She smiled and nodded before clicking on her phone, her and her boyfriend's faces illuminating on the screen. Charles heart dropped as he saw his face, never in a million years would he have guessed it would be him. The elevator dinged as the doors opened.

"Well it was nice to catch up with you, I'll see you later." She smiled politely as she exited through the doors.

"Bye." Charles waved sadly as he watched her walk off and the doors shut. He sighed deeply, surely they were just good friends and that's why he was her Lock Screen. Yeah that's why...

Later that night Charles was on his way to his hotel room after having a meeting with his engineers. When he heard a door further up the hall click open. Naturally he looked up, and saw Carlos exiting Y/n's room. Charles still tried to trick himself into thinking it was just because they were good friends, that's why.

"Oh hi Charles." Carlos said sheepishly after Charles had watched the Spaniard carefully close the door to Y/n's hotel room so it made as little noise as possible.

"Hi Carlos." He said trying not to let his anger and sadness split through his voice. As Carlos walked down the hall towards him it became more apparent that they definitely aren't 'just friends'. His hair that was usually neatly brushed back and orderly was messy and had been quickly brushed back. His shirt was creased a stark contrast to its usual pristine appearance.

"How come you're back so late?" Carlos asked thrusting his hands into the pockets of his jeans, Charles explained he had a meeting with Xavier and some others after the race.

"How come you were coming out of Y/n's room?" Charles asked boldly even though he was sure he knew the answer, Carlos hesitated before answering.

"Uhm." He paused Charles interrupted him.

"Just tell me." He said bluntly not wanting to be lied to or punked.

"We've been seeing each other." He said unable to look at Charles. Then he thought back to the blurry photo in that night club that he saw of Y/n kissing another man.

"How long for?" He asked concealing his nerves and anger.

"A few months." Carlos shrugged still not looking at Charles and his eyes remained focused on the floor. "But not until you broke up." He clarified but Charles still had an inkling that he was being lied to.

6 months ago

Our lips crashed together as the strobes of the club flashed around us. Her lips rolled against mine as we kissed, we both knew it was wrong but it felt so right. Her hand held the back of my neck while the other held her drink, my hands rested on her waist as we kissed. She pulled away and shook her head.

"I really shouldn't." She said guiltily while looking up into my eyes. "But oh well, it's just the once." She shrugged before restoring the kiss.

It wasn't just once, it was several times after that even while they were still together.

Present day

"Are you lying to me." Charles asked him, Carlos shook his head hoping to keep the secret between him and Y/n.

"No." Carlos lied Charles nodded before scanning his card onto his door, the small blue light flashing in response.

"Right I'll see you later then." Charles sighed before going into his room. Carlos waved sheepishly before continuing down the corridor to his hotel room.

"Fuck!" Charles shouted in anger, he could deal with her moving on but the fact it was with Carlos made it so much more painful. "He knows! He knows I still love her too!" He shouted tears gathering in his eyes. He flopped down onto the bed and lay staring blankly up at the ceiling. "Bastard!"

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