Kiss | Logan Sargeant

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Requested by: Anonymous

'Can you do a Kiss with Logan and [redacted] but like Logan sees them like kiss together or smth.'


His saxe eyes watched from afar as she threaded her way out of the crowd on the dance floor toward the bar in which he was stood by. She stopped in front of it and a cheap laugh came from her lips, her pink cheeks making it evident that she was warm and had been dancing, she swooped some of her saffron-coloured hair behind her ear before ordering her drink. Her striking smile was playing at her lips as she glanced back into the crowd to look for someone, her emerald eyes then caught them and she sent a wave their way.

The person then weaved through the crowd and appeared beside Y/n. That person was her best friend, Maya, who also ordered a drink.

His lips cupped into a small smile as a wide one was displayed on Y/n's. He missed waking up to see her smile each morning and evening when he'd return back home to her. Now there was no smile to greet him when he'd wake or arrive back, just silence and an empty house. There wasn't any music, or her awful singing along, there was no smell of her cooking something for their dinner or her calling her family and her siblings creating no end of noise over the phone.

He jumped as a hand gripped his shoulder and shook him gently, snapping him from his daydream.

"You alright Logan?" Asked the familiar voice of Oscar.

"Yeah." He said quietly now looking away from his ex-girlfriend, as to not seem like a creep. "Just thinking."

"Well let's abandon the thinking and find you someone to cheer you up!" He smiled cheerily, having clearly already had something to drink.

"Someone?" He questioned, looking curiously down at his friend. Oscar nodded his hair bobbing up and down as he did.

"Yeah, let's find you a lady." He clarified, Logan shrugged unconvinced by his idea.

"Oscar, I'm not read-" Logan was cut off by Oscar letting out an impatient sigh before he sipped on the drink in his free hand while his other kept a firm grip on Logan's shoulder.

"You can't keep hold of Y/n forever, she's moved on you should too." He blurted out, Logan gave him a puzzled look at his revelation.

"She has?" He asked and Oscar nodded as he swallowed another sip of his drink.

"Yeah, who else are her and Maya giggling about?" He waved his hand over at the two women at the other end of the bar. Y/n's pearly smile peaking past her lips that bore a glossy look, casting Logan's mind back to what he was think about before.

"But who?" He asked curious to find out if he was better looking than he was or in any way better than him.

"Logan! Oscar!" Called a Danish voice instantly making them both light up as Fred walked over.

"Fred!" They grinned as he stopped in front of them both. As the three began to converse, Oscar's lustful eyes began to wander around the room following one person, his girlfriend, her body swayed as she danced around with some of her friends; there was something about it that he loved, something about her.

Cautiously he slipped away from Fred and Logan to go and take her from the dance floor and tell her what she was doing to him.

Y/n noticed him making his way over so she decided to meet him halfway in amongst the crowd of people also there.

"You look gorgeous tonight." He complimented pulling her body close to his feeling the heat radiating off her.

"Thanks." She blushed gently looking away before his hand guided her face to his and their lips met. Oscar's hand rested on the side of Y/n's face as they kissed, it was desperate and drunken.

"Where did Oscar go?" Fred asked Logan as they glanced around the room.

"I'm not sure." He shook his head now looking out into the crowd, his eyes were immediately drawn to the umber hair in the crowd but the smile that had was previously on his face was wiped from it as he saw her lips meeting Oscar's. His lips fell into a pout and his eyes dulled as he looked over before.

"What is it?" Fred asked wanting to know what had upset his friend.

"It's Oscar." He said quietly, barely being able to say the words.

"Oh good." Fred nodded as he looked in the same direction as Logan in an attempt to spot the Aussie.

"No," Logan shook his head grabbing Fred's attention again "he's with Y/n they're kissing." Fred face dropped as he told him want was happening. Fred knew how much Logan still loved her and that it broke him when she left him. They were both more angry with Oscar than her because Oscar too knew how much Logan still cared about her.

He saw the two move out of the crowd and towards the exit, Logan let out a reluctant sigh before walking towards the doors himself.

"Where're you going?" Fred asked grabbing his arm.

"I just want to ask if they are together." Logan said sadly, Fred nodded before accompanying him outside.

They found the couple not fair from the doors sharing another kiss, it was fervid and needy.

"Oscar?" Logan said to grab Oscar's attention, the colour immediately drained from his face as they were caught by Logan and he turned to him pulling away from Y/n who he was holding against the wall.

"Hi." He said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his neck.

"So you're her boyfriend?" He asked the throbbing in his throat barely letting him say it.

"I'm sorry Logan." Y/n said, unable to look him in the eyes, he looked at her in confusion and Oscar nudged her with his arm. His mentality about the situation was if he doesn't know, he doesn't need to.

"What why? You've not done anything." He asked before looking up to Oscar, who he was furious with.

"Are you together?" He asked again, Oscar took a deep breath before nodding. Logan looked away from him and muttered a response.

"Ok." He nodded before walking away, Fred walking next to him.

"Logan I'm-" Oscar began

"Just leave it." He shook his head as he and Fred continued off down the road.

"We've fucked up haven't we?" She asked taking Oscar's hand in hers.

"Yeah." He sighed out before they began to walk down the street back to their hotel.

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