Silence | Multi | Ghostface AU (PT4)

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It's the final chapter. Ready to find out who the killers are?


Oscar lay on his bed with his cassette player next to him playing Rumours by Fleetwood Mac.

Since the incident at Logan's house everyone had steered clear of him passing him wary looks and whole crowds parting as he walked down corridors. Even Logan had ostracised him and had begun hanging out with Alex, Lando, Charles and Carlos.

So when Oscar's mother walked into his bedroom and said someone was on the phone for him he was very confused.

"Oscar someone's on the line for you." She said as she poked her head around the door, he quirked his brow and pursed his lips before asking a question.

"Who is it?" He asked standing up and walking to the door.

"I'm not sure." She shrugged moving aside to let him pass, he walked downstairs to the phone and placed it to his ear.

"Hello?" He said and was confused as he heard a voice he'd never head before.

"Hello Oscar." Replied the silky tone on the other end. "Is your mother home?" They asked

"No." Oscar responded with an element of uncertainty as he looked out of the small window in his hallway by the phone.

"Then who's that lovely lady in your house? I can see her in the kitchen." They laughed the colour drained from Oscar's face as he looked down the hall at his mother in the kitchen preparing their tea.

"What the fuck." He spat as they spoke, the person on the other end giggled before speaking once more.

"Yeah looks like she's making your dinner." They snickered "But can I let you into a little secret Oscar." They grinned

"I know who tried to kill Logan." The silky voice spoke now seriously and without any laughter.

"Who?" Oscar asked desperate to find out so he was no longer being blamed.

"His name was Oscar Piastri." They began to laugh loudly and deeply as he huffed once more. "No I know." They said with a sharp swap of tone back to a serious one. "But if you don't do exactly as I tell you, everyone will be convinced that it was you." They giggled, it was freaky how turbulently their voice changed from cheery and giggly to serious and dark.

"Don't." Oscar warned, as he continued to look outside his window to try and spot the man on the phone. "Can I ask you one question first?"

"Go ahead." They said nonchalantly

"Are you the same person that called Logan?" He asked

"Bingo!" They shouted down the phone "10 points to you Oscar!" They said enthusiastically before their happy demeanour dropped and they spoke in a low tone again. "So do you like scary movies?"

"Nah, the only one I can stomach is Carrie."

"Well answer my question right and I'll leave you alone for now, if not expect me to turn up with a knife at your door." They giggled, a pit opened in Oscar's stomach at their words. His and his mum's lives depended on this one question.

"What do they use for the pigs blood in Carrie?" They asked, a smile grew onto Oscar's face because he knew it! He knew the answer!

"Corn syrup." He said smugly, the silky voice sighed before speaking for the final time.

"Well done, I'll be off then." And with that they hung up, Oscar let out a relieved sigh and placed the phone down onto it's receiver before walking back up to his room. Had he just been called by the same person that murdered people from his school? The answer was of course yes but he didn't know that. The call had made him uneasy, for obvious reasons but the voice, the laugh something about it was so familiar to him.

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