53rd Name | Lewis Hamilton

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The rain beat down on Imola as we raced around.

"How're the tyres feeling Y/n?" I heard down my ear as my eyes followed Checo who was blocking me from P4.

"Feeling good." I responded as I diverted my focus to getting the slipstream of the red bull in front of me.

The gap between us slowly closed as my DRS and his slipstream edged me forwards.

'And she's going for the overtake! Around the inside of turn 3 and, she's passed Sergio Perez and is now within touching distance of that podium.'

My next target was Carlos in his Ferrari as he tailed Lando and Max. I inched towards the crimson vehicle being sure to protect my own lead at the same time. I turned the steering wheel as I entered turn 6 my claret Alfa gently gaining on him.

I turned the steering wheel as we left turn 6 and entered 7. The steering wheel turned, the engine roared, the car rushed however it didn't turn.

"Fuck!" I shouted as I skidded in the rain and collided with the barrier with a thump. I wrestled with my seatbelt as I attempted to get out my car that was beginning to smoke. "Help!" I cried out as I heard everyone else race past. I felt a warmth surrounding me along with the smell of my burning livery. "HELP!" I screamed still fighting the seatbelts. The orange flames fluttered around me bobbing up and down in the rain. I heard the sharp bang of my petrol tank exploding which shunted me forward upon impact. I heard fire crews around me as they attempted to put out the flames surrounding me. My hands continued to brawl with my seatbelt as my cries for help depleted. "Help!" I spluttered as the smoke around me began to fill my lungs. "He- help!" I forced out still using each ounce of energy left in me to try and unfasten the jammed seatbelt. "He- he-" I tried to shout but my attempts were futile as it came out as a hoarse cry. "Help." I spoke as my hands tugged at the seatbelt which had a firm grip on me which it clearly had no intention of releasing. "Help." I wheezed my grip slipping from the seatbelt and my eyes closing the as the fire capered around my sight slowly invading every inch of it. I sighed out a breath before my eyes fell shut and my body slumped forwards.

3rd Person POV

The other drivers waited nervously in the pits, having been forced back there by a red flag. Zhou looked nervously at the blank space next to him where Y/n's number 88 car should have been.

Lewis watched the screen nervously praying he would see his girlfriend storm out from the blaze of her car.

The track fell into a morose silence as everyone watched the burning wreck of the Alfa Romeo. The crowds in the stands had stopped cheering and jumping, the pits had stopped with their bustling activities and the sky had clouded further however the rain had not changed. The screen showed live updates from the scene of her crash which Lewis watched intently. His stomach knotted and he cracked his knuckles, his feet firmly planted on the ground from where they had been 10 minutes ago when he first got out of his car in the Mercedes garage.

A hole in his stomach opened and his heart sank down in his body. His deep brown eyes still fixated on the screen as he watched a woman being dragged from the burning car almost 15 minutes after the red flag was waved. Her body was lay on the stretcher and rushed into the ambulance where they checked if they could save her or not.

Another agonising 5 minutes passed for everyone it seemed to be 5 hours.

Oscar and Lando watched the television in their garage an arm around each other's shoulders to try and comfort the other.

George was stood close by Lewis, should the worst become true he could offer some support to his friend.

Carlos and Charles stared at the screen, Charles praying what had happened once to him didn't happen again. Hoping her name didn't extend the list of the 52 drivers who've already passed thanks to crashes. Carlos, every so often, glanced to Charles checking he was ok and then immediately back to the screen to see nothing had changed. The rain still pattered and her car's fire still raged.

Everyone watching at home had their eyes affixed to their screens as they waited for the paramedics verdict.

The paramedics radioed back to everyone to confirm her condition.

"Dr Sally Jackson pronouncing Y/n L/n dead at 14:37 on the 30th July 2023."

Lewis' breathing faltered as he remained frozen in place George's arms wrapping around him as he attempted to comprehend the news he'd just been given. Tears welled in his eyes as they did in many others, George kept his arms around Lewis.

The eerie silence was still choking the area as everyone processed the news. The spectators watched as the ambulance drove past them that had Y/n inside it, it was scary for everyone to know that could have happened to any of the drivers, her car was fine when it left the pits at the start of the race.

"She's gone George." Lewis said weakly the pain in his throat growing as he held back his tears. His statement broke the silence around the track.

"I'm sorry." George whispered allowing his arms to slink away from Lewis' body.

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