Again | Oscar Piastri

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Warning: Drug abuse, hospitals


'Drugged Up WAG'

'Caught With Coke'

Those were headlines posted the few days after Oscar had to practically drag his girlfriend out of a club in Melbourne after she nearly overdosed on cocaine.

Oscar held her close to him attempting to shield her face as cameras flashed around them capturing the moment. Her eyes were wide with anxiety and fear as her boyfriend held her close to him. Her arms wrapped around him just focusing on moving her legs in sync to get to the car while trying to ignore the: revving, flashing, talking, calls for attention, car doors slamming, music, sirens, Oscar's voice, her breathing, sounds she couldn't even distinguish, shapes fluttering around her vision, wind whistling, Oscar's heartbeat as well as her own and a plethora of other sounds.

Oscar swung open the door to the taxi and coaxed Y/n into it she sat down and turned away from the flashing cameras while he ran around to the other side and quickly got in the car. He pulled her close to him and stroked her hair back, before holding the back of his hand on her forehead feeling it burning up.

"How much did you have?" He asked worriedly, knowing she had clearly, somehow got her hands on cocaine.

"No." She shook her head, his next port of call, after her nugatory response, was to check her heartbeat and chest to see her chest rapidly rising and falling. His hand shifted over her shivering body to feel her heartbeat, which was pumping the blood around her body faster than he could drive.

"How much did you take?" He asked his voice almost breaking out of fear.

He thought she was better, he thought the rehab had worked, clearly not.

The last time they had been in this situation Oscar had just finished his media duties in Las Vegas and she was in the hotel room staring aimlessly out the window while doing all these things too: rapid breathing, flying heartbeat and a burning temperature.

She didn't respond this time instead just stared blankly at Oscar's chest. The fear now spilt through his voice as he spoke, he would be lying if he ever said he wasn't scared. Scared he would lose her to it, to the thing she had tried so hard to get away from.

"Y/n?" He said cupping her face in his hands and making her paranoid eyes look into his fearful ones. "How much did you take?" He asked again hoping for an answer or some form of response. She shook her head while staring freakishly deep into his eyes.

"He gave it me." She shook her head. "I didn't think." She mumbled her head slowly dropping down.

"No." Oscar shook his head holding hers up in his hands, the city whizzed past the windows as the taxi continued to follow his route to the destination Oscar had told him beforehand. "Hey? You think you could take us to the hospital instead?"

"No problem." The driver nodded quickly changing route, Oscar nodded immediately turning his attention back to his girlfriend.

"How much was it Y/n?" He pleaded with her gently hitting her face to stop her falling asleep.

"I don't know." She whispered before cautiously looking around the small taxi cab, as if she was checking no one else was around.

"Please can you try and remember!" He begged near to tears. The way she was acting was scaring him, he hadn't seen her like this in so long and it was almost terrifying to him.

"Shush." She hushed him holding a finger to her lips as she carried the same expression as before.


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