The Birthday Cake | Max Verstappen

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"I'm home!" I shouted as I entered our house, Millie came racing out the kitchen and held her hands up to stop me.

"HALT!" She yelled I chuckled at her use of 'halt' before trying to walk around her. She stepped sideways to stop my from passing her. "You can't go past me!" She said still holding up her hands. I crouched down to untie my shoelaces

"Where's Daddy?" I asked her as I undid the bows.

"He's busy." She said her hands falling to her sides as she looked into my eyes.

"What's he doing?"

"Secret stuff." She whispered Max then appeared out the kitchen and stood next to Millie.

"Shall we get a takeaway tonight?" He asked I shrugged as I stood up.

"No I've got some pasta for me in the fridge." I shook my head as I tried to go into the kitchen. Max stood in front of me and held his hands up against his chest to stop me.

"I think we should get takeaway." He told me "What do you think Mills?" He asked looking down at our daughter. She nodded and Max shrugged.

"Fine." I huffed "But I'm gonna find out what you're hiding in the kitchen." I grinned and walked into the living room.

"Oh yeah." Millie sassed.

"Yes I am!" I laughed as I scooped her up and tickled her as I carried her into the living room with me, Max following behind us.

I sat down on the couch and Millie sat in between Max and I. He gave me a light kiss on the lips causing Millie to make a retching noise.

"Knock it off." Max said tapping her shoulder. She made the noise again and he did the same thing, she huffed and crossed her arms while sulking.

"Have you got any homework?" I asked Millie as I grabbed her school bag from the table.

"Yeah." She nodded pulling a sheet out the bag I was holding. "I need to write down my family's favourite things. You, Daddy and Uncle Danny." She said

"Well we can ring Uncle Danny if you want, before he goes to bed." Max suggested.

"Bed? Now?" Millie questioned looking outside at the light sky.

"Yeah it's half 10 for Uncle Danny in Australia." Max said as he searched for his contact in his phone. "Shall we ring him?"

"Yeah." Millie nodded taking the phone from Max's hand as it rang.

"Hey." Daniel answered.

"Hello Uncle Danny!" Millie beamed as she held the phone with both hands.

"Hi Millie." He smiled back and she asked him her question.

"Hmm." He thought "How many favourites do you need?" Millie carefully counted the lines on her sheet and muttered the amount to herself as she did.

"3!" She announced down the phone.

"Racing." Danny listed, Max grabbed Millie's pen and she wrote 'rasing' "My friends and my family." She then wrote down 'frens' and 'famly' on the two free lines under where she'd put 'Ucle Dany'.

"Thanks Uncle Danny." Millie said before hanging up the phone. "Daddy you now." She pointed her pencil at him before readying herself to write.

"Uhhh." He paused "Racing."

"No." Millie shook her head "That's Uncle Danny's favourite not yours." I laughed at her statement and Max gave her a confused look.

"We can have the same favourite things Mills." She shook her head and denied what he said, insisting he picks a new favourite. "My race car." Millie nodded and wrote down 'rays car'. He the listed two other things and she turned to me for me to list 3 things.

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