Our Secret | M. Verstappen (PT2)

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Requested by: A_fiction_life


I sat in my bedroom on call to Max with him on speaker phone while my phone was on my desk. It had been a few months now since we first met and god was I getting impatient, I want to be his girlfriend already.

"So what do you do?" I asked "I've known you for so long now and I still don't know." I said to him as I folded some clothes to put into my drawer.

"Really?" He asked his tone of voice sightly higher and clearly shocked. "Well I-" He was interrupted by a very very enthusiastic Calista bursting into my bedroom.

"Oh my god Y/n!" She shouted as she swung open my door without a knock or anything. "Max Verstappen yeah?" She said a big grin on her face. I shook my head as I looked at her and she let out a sigh at my lack of knowledge about him. "Y'know F1 driver? Won the last 3 Championships? Really fucking hot?"

"Oh yeah him." I nodded my head going along with it so she would leave and I could continue to talk with Max.

"Yeah him!" She said a big grin on his face. "Well, he's got a girlfriend!" She announced thrusting her phone in front of my face. "They were out at dinner last night!" She told me as she explained what was in the grainy photo pictured on her phone. I stammered to respond as I saw a photo of me and Max sat at dinner last night, and it wasn't just as if we were caught in the background we were main focus of this image. "What?" She asked as my struggle to articulate a response.

"Max can I FaceTime you for a second?" I asked him as I took my phone from my dresser.

"Yeah sure lief." He replied then Cali let out a loud gasp, unable to choke out a response. She just waved her arms wildly at my phone. Her eyes widened further as Max appeared on my screen lay in his bed with a hoodie on.

"Oh. My! GOD!" She said her mouth wide open in shock "No fucking way man!"

"Hello." Max smiled giving Cali a small wave from over the phone.

"This is who you've been with!" She shouted "Max fucking Verstappen!" She yelled stepping back as she looked at the phone and majorly freaked out.

"Well yeah." I shrugged feeling her reaction was slightly unwarranted and over dramatic.

"And you didn't tell me!" She asked waving her arms at me.

"I'll be honest I didn't know who he was." I laughed, sheepishly itching the back of my neck.

"What!" She shouted "I never shut up about F1!"

"I know." I nodded

"I have got to tell Kaia!" She squealed before running off out the room. I leapt off my bed leaving my phone there and ran after her into our kitchen.

"Don't tell her, we wanna keep it private." I said quickly before she could text Kaia, she nodded understandingly before pressing the delete button and holding it down. "Or anyone, it's our secret."

"Don't worry I am an excellent secret keeper." She nodded proudly.

"Thanks Cali." I smiled before walking back off into my room. "Crisis averted." I said to him propping my phone up back on my dresser so he could see me as I tidied away my washing. It was summer here in Monaco so I was in a sports bra and short shorts. As I bent over to pick up a bobble from the floor I heard Max suck in his breath harshly from the other end of the phone.

"Excuse you." I laughed as I stood back up and walked over, and stood my hand on the dresser and a clear view of my cleavage towards the camera. He let out a little snigger before looking away.

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