🧸 Baby Fever | Charles Leclerc

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"Y/n?" Charles said hanging his arms over my shoulder and around my neck as I sat at the desk in my office. The soft fabric of his deep blue pyjamas brushed over my neck as I typed up a report. I felt his chin resting on the top of my head and he joined his hands together and they looped around my neck.

"Yeah Cha?" I said reaching my hand up to his and pulling them apart so I could hold his. My red tartan pyjamas slid down my arms as I held his hand in mine.

"What would you think about having a kid?" He asked casually now wrapping his free arm around my shoulder in a small hug. A smile met my lips as I thought about it, I think he knew my baby fever was at an all time high after seeing Max and Penelope together a few weeks ago. We had all gone Christmas shopping together P was helping Max to pick some things out for Kelly and her cousins. While Charles and I were just getting various gifts for people.

"Yeah." I nodded "I'd like a kid." I elaborated. Charles gently moved his hand up my chest to underneath my chin pulling my head back so I was looking up. His lips left a delicate kiss on mine and he had that loveable smile on his face.

"Well we've got to make it first." He winked before letting go of me and walking out my office, me following closely behind him, toward our bedroom.

15 months later and our daughter, Elodie Julia Leclerc, was 6 months old and looked just like Charles. Her striking blue eyes were now beginning to fade into the same deep brown as Charles and I's, small wisps of curly chocolate brown hair had begun to grow from her head and a few of her pearly teeth had grown in giving her a cheeky smile.

"Elodie." Charles cooed as he knelt on the floor beside our bed while drying our daughter off in her towel after she had her bath. A small laugh and a wide smile was Elodie's response to her dad saying her name. "Elodie baby." He grinned she laughed again as he gently rubbed the towel over her soft skin to dry her. I placed her pyjamas down on the bed next to her so Charles could get her ready while I also got into mine.

"She's got your smile." I said as I looked over at them both grinning from ear-to-ear. Charles looked over at me with his cheeky grin and tilted his head to the left slightly while looking up at me.

"You think?" He spoke looking up at me his smile lingering on his lips.

"Yeah." I nodded confidently before taking a step over to them and giving Charles a quick kiss. "I'm gonna go and do her bottle." I told him. He nodded and I walked out the room and he got Elodie ready for bed.

A few minutes later I walked back in to see Charles lay under the covers asleep with Elodie lay on his chest her light pink onesie contrasting with the dark blue of Charles' pyjamas. I carefully took her off him and he woke up at feeling the weight shift from his chest. He then saw me with her in my arms holding her bottle to her mouth as she drank the milk from inside it. Charles held his hands out to me and opened and shut them twice, implying he wanted me to pass her over.

"You wanna feed her?" I asked him, he nodded and I obliged passing her to him and he fed her.

Once she was fed Charles lay her in her cot and flicked on the baby monitor before climbing back into bed with me. I was already tucked under the covers keeping myself warm, Charles then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him sharing some of his warmth with me.

"Goodnight Chérie." He whispered, I could tell in his voice that he was tired.

"Goodnight Charlie." I whispered back placing my hands over his which he'd clasped around my waist.
[Sharl-ee not Charl-ee]


Sorry it's only short but, once again, this is one of those ideas I've been dying to use but couldn't get it long enough.

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