🐟 Daddy's Girl | Lando Norris

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This takes place 4 years after those first stories

If someone's speech is in italics it's because their speaking Italian just means I don't have to translate everything unless it's necessary.

Summary. Enzo takes Aria to a race but she doesn't handle seeing her dad hit the wall too well.


"Nonno!" Our 4-year-old daughter cheered as she rushed into my parents house and saw my father sat down reading his paper.

"Topolina!" He smiled opening his arms and welcoming Lando and I's daughter into a hug. Aria grinned as she wrapped her arms as far around my father as she could get them.
[Little Mouse]

"Tell Nonno what mummy taught you." Lando said to her as he walked into the room with them, closely followed by me. Aria nodded before clearing her throat.

"Mi chiamo Aria." She smiled proudly as she spoke some Italian. My dad smiled before lifting her onto his knee. Nonna's chair sat solemnly next to the couch, keeping to itself.
[My name is Aria]

"Enzo is cooking dinner." My dad told us I looked happily towards the kitchen to see him looking down at his phone. Enzo was a really good cook. When he's older he said he wants his own restaurant, in Monaco.

"Did he move into that place alright?" I asked my dad who nodded and craned his neck around to see Enzo now stirring something in a pan.

"What's he making?" Lando asked placing his arm over my shoulders as we lay. My dad shrugged and shouted the question to Enzo who replied with 'Carbonara'. My face lit up as I heard the name of my favourite dish called out from the kitchen, Enzo's carbonaras are bliss.

"Bisnonna!" Aria smiled pointing at the photo of Nonna that rested on the fireplace. It was the small lady in a Christmas hat holding our daughter in her arms when she was just a few days old. "Where is bisnonna?" She asked my father.
[Great grandma]

"In the sky, bisnonna lives the sky." Lando said drawing the attention away from my father, it was a touchy subject for him. Aria hopped off my father and rushed over to the window parting the curtains and looking up at the pale blue sky.

"There she is!" She shouted pointing at the clouds. "I can see bisnonna!" She waved Lando over to encourage him to look with her. He got off the couch as stood with Aria by the window looking out in the clouds. "And there's Jules!" She beamed pointing again out the window.

"Jules?" Dad asked me turning to me.

"Bianchi." I reminded him he sighed out at her statement and what followed.

"He's Charles' friend." She smiled before running back to my dad and clambering back onto his knee.

"Aria!" Enzo beamed as he stepped out the kitchen after hearing her voice.

"Zio Enzo!" She squealed running towards my 20-year-old brother and wrapped her arms around his leg.

"Hello." He smiled widely before picking his niece up from the ground and holding her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her red dress starkly contrasted to the light blue hoodie he was wearing. "You excited for this weekend?" He asked referring to Lando and I racing at Monza. She nodded happily her pearly teeth showing off as she did and her hazel eyes lit up hopefully.

"You're taking me." She smiled patting his chest and he nodded a smile growing on his face at Aria's excitement. Her arms held his neck as her body rested on his forearms which were clasped together under her.

"Who you cheering for mummy or daddy?" Enzo asked, Aria tilted her head left slightly and pondered for a moment she turned back to us and back to Enzo.

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