He's gone. You're alright. | M.V.

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Max and I plodded along the street in our race suit holding our helmets, the rain poured down on us as we began our long walk home. I look up and saw Max's dad's car ahead at some lights, my father in the passengers seat while Jos drove. Both our dads were tough on us, Max's dad left him at the petrol station mine left me at a convenience store.

"Do you think we'll ever go anywhere?" Max asked breaking the silence, minus the rain pattering around us.

"What do you mean?" I knotted my eyebrows and we continued to walk.

"Like do you think we'll make it to F1?" He clarified I nodded.

"If we don't the only other place we'll be going is 6 feet under." I pointed out our boots splashed in the rain as I kicked up the thin layer of water up off the pavement. I opened my mouth to speak again but before I could a shout was heard from behind us.

"Don't you scuff those fucking boots Y/n!" I turned around to see my dad hanging out the window of Jos' car. I nodded before turning around and we continued walking forward.

Around 20 minutes into the walk the rain started getting heavier.

"It's fucking freezing." Max said to me I nodded in agreement as I rubbed my gloved hands over my race suit that was now clung to my skin.

"Yeah." I agreed as the water ran from my hair down my face.


I sat in my seat at the press conference, this wasn't one of the nice press conferences though. It was one where the questions were all incredibly personal and uncomfortable.

"So Y/n, is it true that yours and Max's fathers used to make you walk home from your racing or karting no matter the weather." I took a breath before answering the intrusive question. I leant forward to my microphone before talking.

"I do not associate myself with my father anymore and that's all I have to say." I leant back and someone else was asked another question.

"So was your father abusive Y/n?" Another reporter asked, I sighed at the question I have another about him in going to walk out.

"My father is not a relevant topic." Max glanced over to be sure I was alright. I tapped my fingers rhythmically as the little signal we had to each other. To sort of say 'I'm uncomfortable and I want to leave.' 

A few minutes passed and I was then asked another question about him.

"Is it true that your father once abandoned you in a shop?" I took a breath.

"For fucks sake." I muttered before pushing my chair out and walking away from them all back to where we had been beforehand. I'd pay whatever fines they wanted but I couldn't stay there any longer.

Seconds later I heard a pair of footsteps approaching me, I looked up from my seat to see Max walking over.

"Hey." He said softly wrapping his arms around me. As I sat with my hands over my face. "They don't know." He reminded me. He pulled my body over onto his. I stayed silent as he gently rubbed his thumb over my nape. "It's alright." He comforted me I nodded and listened to his heartbeat as my head lay on his chest. I curled up as vivid imaging flashed through my mind of my father smashing my P2 trophy. "He's gone. You're safe now." Max comforted me. I covered my ears and I began to hear him shouting. '2nd place is the first loser.' and 'You're not good enough to be my daughter.' Max held me close to his body, letting me know I was safe. "Come on." He whispered I nodded as the voices and images started to fade. "It's alright, you're safe with me." He said softly to me. I sat up off him. "You alright?" He asked I nodded and a second later everyone come in.

"You finished early." Max said as Danny stepped over to us.

"We left, once you'd both gone we all kind of made the decision that we'd give you a few minutes then we'd all leave." I smiled at the gesture of everyone leaving the interview.

"Why?" I asked quietly.

"Why?" Danny questioned me "Because they'd upset you. They're not meant to do that." He pointed out the Aussie twang to his voice suddenly becoming more prominent. I smiled as he explained why they'd left.

"What are you all doing!" The man who'd organised it shouted as he entered the 'back stage' area.

"We're not sitting out there answering their questions while she's in here." Carlos said, Max placed a protective arm around my shoulder. The organiser let out a frustrated groan.

"You have to go back out there."

"Says who?" Lewis asked folding his arms clearly unimpressed by the man.

"Me, your media teams, everyone."

"Well we aren't. It's their fault." Danny chirped as he moved beside Carlos. The organiser huffed and crouched in front of me and Max. Max adjusted in his seat ready to leap off it at a moments notice.

"This is your fault you little bitch." He snarled, Max stood up in between us both.

"Don't talk to her like that." He said sternly and the man stood up from his crouched position.

"Look mate we're not going anywhere but home so don't start having a go." Danny said protectively standing next to Max. I slipped out from behind the duo. I felt a grip on my arm, I turned and saw his face. His eyes furious like that time he found out I hitchhiked home. My mind clouded and the next thing I knew was the grip from my arm fell and the organisers stumbled backwards holding his nose. Danny placed an arm around my shoulders and pulled me into him. "Nice one." He congratulated me.

"That's assault!" The man cried out pointing at me as he ran off.

Y/n snuck out from behind her friends when the organiser, Ryan, saw her and grabbed her arm. She turned to him her eyes wild and unpredictable, in that moment she didn't see Ryan she saw her father. After a second of everything and everyone being frozen she had pulled back her free hand and punched him in the nose.

"You alright?" Max asked me and I nodded as we watched the shell of a man race off towards someone else.

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