🐟 Big Sister | Lando Norris

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"Lando!" I called to him from inside the bathroom as I stood with the long, thin, white test in my hand. He rushed in the bathroom almost skidding along the tiled floor as he practically ran inside.

"What is it?" He asked stopping in front of me with a hopeful smile on his face.

"It's positive." I breathed out holding the test out to him, he took it in his hand and briefly analysed it before wrapping me in a hug.

"I'm gonna be a dad," He beamed "again." My arms clung to his torso as we hugged, we pulled away and shared a brief kiss.

"Should we tell Aria?" I asked him as we stood in our bathroom elated about the fact we were going to have a second child. Upon hearing her name mentioned in our conversation our 5 year old daughter appeared at the bathroom door.

"Tell me what?" She asked cautiously peeping around the door. Lando and I hesitated before walking over to her.

"We'll tell you in a second." Lando said she nodded before running back off to continue what she had been doing before hand. I squealed happily before hugging Lando again and he reciprocated it, recently everything had been shit this was just the news we needed.

"Right do we go and tell her?" I asked stepping away from Lando towards the door of the bathroom.

"Well we kinda have to." He laughed following me out of the bathroom.

"Yeah I guess so." I nodded walking towards her bedroom where I presumed she would be. I stood at the door and saw her playing with her lego cars that Lando had built with her a few nights ago.

"Aria." I said to her to grab her attention as I walked to her bed. She looked up and her hazel eyes followed me as I sat down on her bed. Aria then jumped up from the floor and sat down next to me, eager to hear what I had to say.

"Are you gonna tell me what you and daddy were talking about now?" She asked I nodded and she clapped her hands twice in excitement to hear the news.

"So," I began "you know how Juno has a little brother?" I asked she nodded a wide grin on her face as different things that I could be about to say raced through her mind. "Well, you're gonna be a big sister like Juno is."

"Really!" She beamed looking over to Lando to make sure I wasn't trying to trick her, he nodded and she clapped her hands again in excitement. "Am I getting a brother or sister?" She asked

"We don't know yet." I told her she nodded before hopping down off the bed and beginning to play with her cars again.

"Oh ok." She nodded and continued racing her lego around the rug she had.

9 months later and Lando and I had not long welcomed our second daughter, Cara, into the world.

"She's beautiful." Lando smiled as he held Cara's small frame whilst she was wrapped in a soft white blanket.

"Yeah." I nodded as I looked over at her while I sat on the hospital bed. "What time did Enzo say he was bringing Aria?" I asked, Lando continued to gaze down at Cara before he looked up and responded to me.

"Half two." He responded I grabbed my phone and saw that it was just past half two.

"They'll be here any minute then." I said pushing myself up in the bed and looking over at Lando who was holding Cara's frail hand in his and gently resting it on his index finger.

"Andiamo zio Enzo!" I heard the voice of Aria from down the busy hallway. Lando turned behind him and looked down the hallway. He let out a sigh as he saw a excited Aria in her favourite romper and her white Nike air forces with ankle socks while dragging her uncle down the hallway.
[Let's go uncle Enzo]

"Calm down Ari." Enzo huffed as she tugged on my exhausted brother's hand she grumbled in frustration and continued to march him down the hallway. She and Enzo then turned the corner and Aria grinned widely as she saw her baby sister in Lando's arms.

"EEE!" She squealed as she rushed over and tried to get a peep at the newest addition to our family. "Is this Cara?" She asked now perched on her tippy toes and clinging onto Lando's hoodie for support.

"Yeah that's is Cara." I said to her. She now went up onto the very tip of her toes to get a small amount more height to try and see the baby in her father's arms. Then after realising she couldn't do it she fell back down onto her heels and looked up at him hopefully.

"Can I hold her?" She asked. Her hazel eyes filled with hope as she held her hands together against her chest. Lando nodded and she clapped her hands in excitement before sitting on the chair next to me and holding out her arms. Lando carefully placed Cara down onto Aria and adjusted her hands so that she had the most secure grip on her.

Enzo took his phone from his back pocket and took a picture of his niece's sat together. A wide grin was displayed on Aria's face which showed off her pearly white teeth and also scrunched up her eyes a bit like her dad's smile. Aria looked down at Cara as she held her in her arms.

"Hello Cara." She grinned "I'm your big sister Aria." Her brows dropped into a furrow as she waited for a response from her sister. "Why isn't she talking?" She asked me as she looked over in confusion.

"She can't talk yet, babies learn to do that." I explained she nodded before leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"She's cute." Aria beamed as she looked down at Cara as she lay peacefully in her sister's arms. Aria then held her for a few more moments before handing her over to Enzo who held her close to his chest and smiled down at her.

"Cara." He hummed softly as he looked down at the baby in his arms as he gently swayed her. "Bellisima bambina." He smiled. Lando grabbed my hand off the white bed sheet and held it in his as he looked down at me then back to our youngest daughter who was in her uncle's arms.

Enzo beamed down at the little girl he held before leaving a gentle kiss on her forehead and gazing down at her.

My boyfriend and I shared a proud look as my brother held our youngest daughter while our oldest looked up at her awe in her eyes at her baby sister.

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