Not you | Multi | Ghostface AU (PT2)

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"Did you hear about Max and Danny?" Oscar asked Lando as they walked through the hall towards their next lesson.

"Yeah, poor guys." He nodded "You reckon we've got a serial killer?"

"I reckon we do yeah, they were gutted like Lance." Oscar said Lando passed him a puzzled look as they walked down the stairs.

"I didn't know they got gutted." Lando said furrowing his brows at Oscar who had just incriminated himself.

"Well yeah, that's what everyone is saying." Oscar shrugged it off before continuing to walk to lesson.

"Ok." Lando said skeptically as they walked into the classroom.

"The police are interviewing everyone because of Lance, Max and Danny." Charles said to Lando as he took his seat next to him.

"Oh yeah?" Lando said and Charles nodded in response as he opened his workbook to a fresh page and noted down the date. Everyone peered outside and saw the mass amount of news vans and reporters stood outside. Lando laughed lightly as he saw them all standing around gesturing to the school waving their arms towards it.

"Can I talk to Liam Lawson please." One of the officers said.

"Ooooo." The class hummed as Liam walked out the classroom he huffed as he was taken out by the police officer.

"Who do you think is next?" Carlos asked Charles after spinning his body around.

"I dunno," Charles shrugged "I hope it's Mr Horner, he's always having a go at me."

"Yeah I know what you mean." Carlos agreed.

"Watch it be him now." Lando laughed a slight smile on his face, Charles glanced over and Liam entered the room again.

"Have fun?" Charles smirked as he walked past.

"Yeah loads." He huffed before sitting back down and the officer took Lewis next.

At break Charles, Oscar, Lando, Alex and George sat together on the edge of the fountain.

"They ask you if you like to hunt?" Lando asked the group

"Yeah they ask you?" Alex replied

"Yeah they asked me." He nodded

"Why did they ask us about hunting?" Charles said

"Because their bodies were gutted." Oscar pointed out "Max and Danny were completely hollowed out."

"How would you even gut someone?" George asked

"Well you take a knife," Oscar began "Slit 'em from the groin to the sternum."

"Hey." Alex snapped "It's called tact you fuck rag."

"Oscar didn't you have that big argument with Danny the other day?" Lando pointed out

"Yeah and?" He shrugged "Are you saying I killed them?" Oscar asked accusingly they passed remarks back and fourth before Oscar spoke again. "Nah, I didn't kill anybody."

"Nobody said you did." Alex reminded him

"Thanks buddy." Oscar smiled turning to Alex who'd defended him.

Later on that day George arrived home at his house and quickly checked the postbox at the front of his drive way. He made his way up to the house and walked inside, it was empty as he'd expected it to be. After all, his parents had gone away for the week so he had the house to himself.

"Are you sure it's fine me staying at yours?" George asked Lewis as he pulled a jumper out of his wardrobe

"Yeah it'll be fine, I'd rather you not be on your own." Lewis said to him from the other end of the phone.

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