26 | Don't Hurt Your Injured Hand

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"What's my today's schedule Ms. Lee?"
"For Furniture line, Mr. Park is coming with Mr. Kang to propose a contract. And for Gaming line, you have a meeting scheduled with the team to check the progress. Other than that Mr. Jeon asked me to inform you about shareholders meeting coming in two weeks."

"Very well. Then I shall meet with Dad to discuss about the terms & conditions. And I would like you to inform our finance manager to meet us there."
"Will do Sir!"
"And yes, please ask him to bring the last project's budget details as well."

One by one, Jungkook finishes everything on his schedule. He wanted to be quick to be able to pick Jimin up, but he was definitely getting late. He texted him to go home with the driver he sent.

"Will you be really late? How about dinner"

"No plans for dining out. But don't wait for me and eat on time. Don't know how long it'll take. I have a meeting with the team, the same project that's in beta testing."

"Oh, okay."

\\You know I can't sleep without you...// Jimin quicky erases the sentence. His cheeks turn pink.

"I will try to wait for you... Keep updating me please."

"Will do. I'm sorry for not picking you up..."

"Oh no, don't worry about that..."
"Appa assigned those bodyguards today, so there won't be any problem..."

"Oh... So uncle convinced you finally.."
"Do you want me to talk to him?"

Jimin bites his lips shyly.

"Thankyou for asking... But it's okay. It's not new to me really..."
"Come back soon. Fighting!"

"Thanks! I'll wrap it up as soon as possible."


Jimin reaches home around 7PM. Mrs. Jeon, as usual, was in the living room, reading her magazine.

"Where's Jungkook?" She asks him when he enters alone.
"He'll be late today."

"Don't expect me to cook for you then." She huffs and gets up from the couch to go back to her room.

Jimin simply nods his head behind her retreating figure. He didn't expect that either. But he still feels bad at the tone she used.
How good was last weekend with Jungkook's grandma.

He goes to his room to rest for a while.

"Why does aunty not like me..." He ponders with a little pout as he freshens up.


Coming to the kitchen, he looks for the utensils and cooking items he wants.

He has rarely ever cooked back in his home as there were always people around him. So, he is a little jerky in his actions, but he definitely knows how to cook.

Once the oil starts heating up, he carefully adds the veggies in it to saute. Some leaves were wet and the oil started cackling.

He steps back immediately and bumps into Mrs. Jeon who has walked into the kitchen earlier.

"What are you doing!" She took a few steps back, away from Jimin's reaching hands as if he was untouchable.

Jimin feels his chest tightening. He quickly looks away, and focuses back on the stove. "I'm a little scared of oil..." He mumbles.

Jikook⁵ | A Love That's Cherishing ✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα