45 | Kiss Me Like This... Soft and Sweet

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After having dinner with Mr. Park and talking with him for a while, Jimin leads Jungkook to his room.

"Your room is really cosy Jimin" Jungkook looks around.

"Do you wanna sleep right away? Or do you wanna do something?" Jimin asks going to his closet, to search for a bigger pair of clothes for Jungkook.

"What do you wanna do with me? God save me, I'm alone in his room!" Jungkook dramatically prays, his arms crossed on his chest as a way of shielding himself.

Jimin rolls his eyes with a smile.

"I can see you aren't sleepy at all. I wanted to watch an animals documentary... Are you down for it?" He asks, turning to face Jungkook with a pair of night dress.

"I'm down for all of you, Love. What more do you want, han?" Jungkook winks at him playfully.

Jimin can't stop the wide smile stretching his lips, "What am I gonna do with you." He shakes his head chuckling, "Go change!"

Jungkook chuckles going to the washroom.

Jimin browse the smart TV for his documentary. He also asks someone from the kitchen to get them popcorns or some light snacks as they have had their dinner just an hour ago.

When Jungkook came out of the changing room, Jimin was downing his t-shirt from his head.

He immediately turned away.
"Why didn't you wait for me to come out..." He asks him.

Jimin bites his lips, suddenly conscious, "I thought I'll be quick in changing..." He dumps his dress in the clothes bin before going to settle on the couch with a quickening pulse.

"Come here, let's start the documentary..." Jimin drapes the blanket over his lap.

Jungkook goes to sit beside him.
"Were you not afraid? What if I had come out at the wrong time..." He asks purposefully.

Jimin shrugs lightly, chewing on his bottom lip. Jungkook holds his chin with his index finger, freeing Jimin's lip with his thumb. He looks into his eyes to search for the answer.

"I wasn't afraid..." Jimin replies truthfully.

A smile lights up Jungkook's face.
"Why?" He merely whispers.

"I don't know honestly... May be because I knew you would turn away.. May be some other reason.. Fear didn't cross my mind when I was changing..."

The smile increases on Jungkook's face, his heart melts looking at Jimin's honesty and confusion in his eyes. He pulls him into his arms and caresses his back lovingly.

"It means a lot to me. Thanks for telling me." He drops a kiss to his head.

Jimin was not sure why and how he progressed in his shame-stricken head. But he was happy with this change.

Eventually, they start the documentary, and lean back on the couch to enjoy it. Both loved small animals and it was a soothing video to watch before sleeping.

In the middle of it, Jimin dropped his head onto Jungkook's shoulder and placed his folded legs against his. Jungkook encircled his back with his arm, pulling him closer in his warmth.

Within next 10 minutes, Jimin was pushing him to lay down on the couch. He straightens his arm out to make it his pillow and curls himself beside him, feeling sleepy.

Jungkook smiles looking at him. He carefully shifts on his side and combs Jimin's hair with his finger.

He doesn't know who it is who wants to harm Jimin, he doesn't know why they have to come after Jimin for such an old rivalry.

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