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Chelsea's heart felt heavy as she sat in her once happy home that was partially empty, everything left in her house was in the process of being packed into boxes, her mind replaying her once-promising relationship crumble before her eyes.

   She thought she had her life figured out. She had a great job at the 118 as a paramedic for almost three years now. Her fiancé...well ex-fiancé, had given his support for her when she brought it up to him the night before graduating high school.

   Growing up, Chelsea knew wanted to do something similar yet different than her mother and father, both well respected in their careers.

   Her fiancé, Shawn, had decided to purse his dream of becoming a federal agent, working his ass off for the past seven years, graduating the police academy at the top of his class, working both high end and low end cases until finally just seven months ago he was accepted into the federal bureau. That's when he decided to get on one knee and pop the question.

   Both of them were happier than ever, With Chelsea planning the wedding and Shawn slowly beginning the process of getting everything in order for his transfer. It was perfect...until it wasn't. It was unexpected news to both of them when Shawn finally seen his paper work and where he would be transferred to.

   The next week between them consisted of arguments, tears, and compromises before it just ended. So now here Chelsea sat at the bottom of the stairs, not even three days after sending apologies to every wedding guest about how there would be no more wedding.

   Her eyes could see the sold sign that poked out the front lawn. Determined to shake off the pain, she decided it was time for a pick me up, wiping her freshly fallen tears off her cheeks and grabbing her car keys with one thought in mind. Get as drunk as she can and hope to find a cute guy to hook up with

    Not even an hour later as she sat at the bar, nursing her drink, two guys caught her eye. They were both charming and handsome, each with their own unique appeal.

   One with a freshly buzzed cut head and strong facial features were noticeable under the dim bar lights but she could see how he exuded a quiet confidence. The other had amazing brown hair and a strong jawline that helped bring notice to his mischievous smile.

   They each seemed to be in their own worlds at each end of the bar but unbeknownst to each other however it didn't take long before both guys noticed the other's interest in Chelsea as the bar tender sat two drinks down ignoring of Chelsea.

"Oh I didn't order these," Chelsea looked down at both glasses in confusion before looking back up at the bartender. "I know the shot of tequila is from the guy at the end of the bar on your left and the old fashioned is from the guy at the end of the bar on your right," He said pointing in each direction he spoke.

   Chelsea looked at each, giving them both smiles before downing both shots. It was like a silent competition had ignited between them, and they were determined to win her attention as they both got up and walked to her, trying to reach her first but ending up there at the same time.

   The mischievous-smiled guy, intriguing her with his thoughtful conversations and genuine interest in getting to know her. Not to be outdone, the quietly confident guy, decided it was his turn to make his move. With a calm and composed demeanor, he interrupted his 'rivals' sentence, effortlessly charmed her with his quick wit and infectious laughter, leaving her captivated by his magnetic personality

As the night went on, they both continued to one-up each other, vying for Chelsea's affection. They showcased their unique qualities and shared stories that would make anyone swoon.

   Chelsea found herself torn between their irresistible charms, unsure of which guy to go home with. In a moment of boldness, most likely a mix of the alcohol in her system and her recent breakup, she decided to suggest something unconventional.

   "Who says you can't share me?" The question seemed straight forward as the two men exchanged glances, unsure of how to respond. But as they thought about it, they realized that they were here for a hookup and it's not like they had to see each other after this.

   Chelsea looked between the two, regret filling her chest as she was starting to second guess her confidence. "I'm fine with that," the guy with the mischievous smirk said staring at the other guy now.

   He stared at them both before ushering two words, "Who's place?"

WC: 808

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