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Chelsea had just finished changing back into her civilian clothes after she had took a quick refreshing shower to scrub off all the dust that had fallen on her from the building.

   Grabbing her belongings, Chelsea noticed the many missed calls from her father. A new call flashed on her screen as she answered it.

   "Hello?" Chelsea pressed the phone to he read as she began walking out of the firehouse. "Oh thank god, I was worried something had happened to you. Your mother wasn't answering her phone and neither were you," Jaime Anderson slightly panicked voice comes through.

   Chelsea softly smiled at his tone, no matter how old she was, her father would always be the first to make sure she was okay. "I'm fine dad, the phone lines went down on this side of the city," Chelsea explained to him, waving bye to the second shift.

   "Okay, I just wanted to make sure you and the babies were okay," he informs his daughter. "We're fine. It was mostly triage I dealt with," Chelsea chose to purposefully leaving out the fact that she had went into a crumbling building.

   "Okay, Well i'm going to see if I can get ahold of your mother, I love you," Dad says making the woman smile. "I love you too dad, I'll talk to you later," Chelsea hung up the cal as she reached her car.

    As Chelsea started to unlock her car, the sudden feeling of stabbing pain filled her. "You're fine Chelsea,  the doctor said you would have cramping," The woman attempted to assure herself as she got into the car.

   Ignoring the pain in her body, Chelsea proceeded to begin her drive home.  After a couple minutes of driving, the feel something wet run down Chelsea's thighs caught her attention.

   Looking down, the small sight of blood starting to leak through her once light blue jeans caused the brunette to feel a panic set it. Chelsea didn't have time to process what she was seeing as loud honking caused her to look back up.

   The woman's eyes widened as she slightly swerved to avoid hitting a car since she had just drove through a red light. Soon after the sound of a police siren filled Chelsea's ears as for the second time in three days seen red and blue lights flashing in her rear view mirror.

   Chelsea let out a groan as she pulled into a parking lot, taking the chance to lean her head on the steering wheel so she could attempt to steady her breathing.

  "Ma'am can I have you step out of the car please," the familiar voice of officer Chen filled Chelsea's ears as she opened the car door. "You realize you just ran through a stop light right?" the rudeness in Tim Bradfords statement irks Chelsea causing her to slam her door a little harshly.

   "Yea I realize that now," Chelsea rolled her eyes at the obvious reason for them pulling her oven. Looking up at the two, both officers instantly remember Chelsea from the other day. "Oh you have got to be kidding me...," Tim scoffs.

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