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May 13, 1993

   The sound of crying filled the air as Zoe Smith
looked down at the crying baby that was placed on her chest. The eighteen year smiled as tears of joys rolled down her cheeks. "Hi sweetheart," Zoe cried as the nurse placed a towel atop the baby, wiping all the gunk off her.

   "She's perfect," Jaime Anderson said watching over his girlfriend as she stared lovingly at their daughter. The eighteen year old had made a lot of mistakes in his life but these two girls would never be one of them.

   "Have you decided on a name?" The nurse asks as she takes the baby girl to give her a bath as well as to get weighed and measured. Looking at each other, Zoe smiled. "Chelsea Juliette Anderson," Zoe's word made tears well in Jaime's eyes. "Chelsea?" he asked making sure he heard his girlfriend right.

   "After your mother, she took me in after my parents kicked me out when I told them I was pregnant. She would have loved our baby just as much as we do," Zoe sniffles remembering the woman who had tragically passed away a few months earlier due to cancer.

  "It's perfect," Jaime smiled giving her a kiss. The nurse handed Zoe the baby girl, her now being snuggled in a blanket. The infant yawned as her eyes peaked open a bit. "Hi Chelsea, I'm your dad, and this beautiful woman holding you is your mom," Jaime smiled down as the baby coo'd.

   The two felt like their world had started to heal as they stared down at the baby. They didn't know what life was going to bring them but they knew they would give this baby the best life.


"Allison? Allison?" Chelsea calls as she was on the floor. Her whole body was numb as she watched the blonde woman take off her jacket. "Yes, Chelsea?" Allison responds staring at the brunette "What was in the syringe?" Chelsea asks, hoping she could understand what exactly was causing her temporary paralysis.

"It doesn't matter what was in the syringe. What matters is you can't move from the neck down. Did you know you can order drugs from other countries and have them delivered right to your door? The internet is amazing," Allison rambles.

"Allison, we need to talk about this. You've done a very dangerous thing. We need to discuss your options," Chelsea tells the woman, her voice slightly shaking as she had no idea what the woman was going to do.

"I don't need your advice Chelsea, i'm getting my babies out of your body and bringing them home where they belong," Allison states as she kneels down on the ground next to Chelsea, opening a bag and pulling out a case.

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