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     "Maybe we pop the hinges off the door?" Eddie suggested as He, Buck and Chelsea stood staring at Maddie's brand new couch right outside of the apartment that she was currently moving into. After a month and a half,  Maddie decided it was time to move out of Chelsea's apartment and although she assured the brunette it was because she wanted her own place, part of Chelsea felt like it was because the woman wanted to give her space to prepare for the babies.

   "Or we use the jaws of life?" Buck proposes as Eddie nods in agreement. Chelsea rolled her eyes at the two men as Maddie walked out to the trio after hearing Bucks comment. "It has to fit, I measured it twice. "Can't you just turn it sideways," Maddie stresses worried that she had somehow gotten the measurements wrong.

   "I tried to tell them that but they complained that the pizza would fall off," Chelsea comments as Maddie looks at the three boxes of pizza that sat on the plastic covering over the couch.

  "You put pizza on my new couch?" she asks picking the boxes up and walking inside as Chelsea followed her. "I feared that if I grabbed the boxes, there would be no pizza for anyone to eat," Chelsea shrugged, taking a seat on the stool that Eddie had brought for her so she could rest her feet.

   Maddie shakes her head, chuckling at Chelsea's words before handing the woman her own box. "I think the boys can make two boxes work between them," she comments walking back over to Chimney.

   "You heard the lady, mama's going to give you some delicious pizza," Chelsea talked to her stomach as she proceed to eat, so far the day seemed to be quite enjoyable.


Chelsea had spoken to soon earlier as her eyes glared at Taylor Kelly. The one woman that she hated to hear or see and yet was standing in the fire station the day after the one eighteen had helped rescued her from her helicopter crash.

   Watching from the second floor as she talked to the team with her cameraman standing behind her, Chelsea couldn't help but wonder what she was doing here. She doubted it was anything good as Bobby had approached the small cluster of people after answering a phone call. Judging by the grim look he held on his face as he spoke to her, Chelsea's suspicions didn't seem to be wrong.

     "I told you we should have left her in that helicopter," Chelsea muttered to the two firefighters that stood next to her, she was still annoyed from the announcement made an hour ago. "Play nice," Hen warns seeing as the Taylor's cameraman stood  close to them, recording Chimney as he explained to Taylor how the team got most of their baked goods.

   "I'll try," Chelsea grumbled, moving away from the railing as she notice Taylor's eyes set on her. Luckily for the pregnant woman, her phone rang her to have an excuse to walk away.

   "Hello?" Chelsea answered, walking into her office and locking it behind her so that a particular annoying woman couldn't come in. "Hello Sweetie," Zoe's voice comes through causes a smile to reach my Chelsea's face.

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