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                            ♡HIGH AS A KITE♡

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                            HIGH AS A KITE

     Walking through the convention center, Chimney and Chelsea shared a look as they noticed all the little girls who had been dressed up for this beauty pageant. "Damn, and I thought cheerleading competitions had more signups at this age," Chelsea commented, as they reached a woman who had a heel embedded in her cheek.

   "Excuse me, ma'am," Chelsea tried getting her attention as the injured woman turned to her and Chimney, her phone held up against her right ear. "I'm trying to reach my plastic surgeon," she informed the two.

   "Okay, well uh, first things first. Your adrenaline is probably spiked, which is why you haven't passed out yet, so can I please ask you to sit? And maybe hang up the phone?" Chelsea asked the woman as Chimney helped her to sit down, both of them kneeling in front of the woman. The woman simply rolled her eyes as she hung up her phone.

   "All right guys," Chelsea turned only to see that no one had followed her and Chimney, "Eddie, Buck, lets go." Chelsea realized in that moment that she had also forgotten to grab her bag.

"Can someone please bring me my bag?" Chelsea called out only to be met with no reply. Huffing in annoyance, Chimney helps the pregnant woman stand up. "Chelsea, Chimney, I need you two over here," Athena's voice called out as Chimney and Chelsea shared a look of confusion before walking to where she was.

   "Where the hell is my lido," Chimney doesn't finish his sentence as he stared at the three firefighters in confusion. Hen was looking up in the air with a giant smile on her face as Buck seemed to be amazed the little girls who were all dressed up.

   Looking over, Chelsea spotted Eddie in the corner, playing with a balloon. "We got a problem here, your guys be tripping,"Athena stated pointing at the three. "What? Guys look at us, Do you know where you are?" Chelsea clapped attempting to get their attention.

   "We're everywhere, man," Eddie said as he stood in-between a bunch of balloons. "They're in drugs," Athena scoffed as Hen got into Chimneys face and laughed.

   "Oh my god, it's the brownie," Chimney realized as he referred to the one thing everyone ate except for Him and Chelsea. "Brownies?" Athena asked confused. "We got a new batch today. We've been getting a lot of stuff lately, especially since the earthquake," Chelsea, incredibly thankful that she had missed out on eating the chocolate goodness.

   "You guys eat the stuff? We just throw that stuff right in the trash," Athena stated in disbelief. "We're firefighters and paramedics, everybody loves us," Chimney shrugs, a smug smile on his face as Athena rolled her eyes at his words.

   Standing next to the trio of drugged up firefighters, Chelsea had Chimney finish with the lady that was injured. "What's going on? I don't like this," Eddie cried as he was being handcuffed along with Buck and Hen. Chelsea shook her head, slightly regretting accepted the position of Chief paramedic a year ago as she was now in charge of these high idiots.

   "Ooh, you made him cry," Buck laughed. "All right, just breathe boy wonder, okay? You're gonna be okay, all right? Somebody dosed the brownies with a hallucinogen. We don't want you to hurt yourself or anyone else," Athena stated as she walked up behind Chelsea. "Yeah. I like that Idea," Eddie nodded as he sniffled.

   "Athena, Chels, your head is beating like your heart," Hen smiled as Athena and Chelsea shared a look. Walking over to Chimney, Athena stared at her phone. "Still no answer. Do you know if Bobby ate any of those brownies?" Athena asked the two as Chelsea had a moment of realization came over her. Athena didn't say another word as she rushed off, no doubt going to the firehouse.

   "Hey, you look like my baby mama, or possible baby mama?" Eddie says as he stared at Chelsea. The brunettes eyes widened at his words as Chimney looked at her. "He's high, he doesn't know what he's saying," Chelsea chuckled nervously. "Right," Chimney nodded suspiciously, he wouldn't be letting it go that easy but right now there was more important matters.

   After sending AJ to take the injured woman to the hospital, Chimney and Chelsea ushered the trio into the fire truck so we could get them back to the firehouse to take them home. Athena had informed Chimney and her about Bobby seeing Brooke above the firehouse once the got arrived.

   The next hour consisted of Chelsea briefing the Chief of what happened and him giving her the all clear to call the next shift on early. She had also gotten everyone who ate the brownies to do a drug test before sending the swabs off to the lab. Chimney had called Karen to come take Hen home as he offered to take Buck to Maddie's while Chelsea took Eddie home.


   "I still don't like her," Chelsea commented to Eddie as they stood in his kitchen two days later. After watching Taylor documentary about them, she still didn't like the woman. "You were barely in it," Eddie pointed out as he set down a cup tea in front of the woman.

   "That's because my dad is one hell of a lawyer and him teamed up with the lawyers for the firehouse are one hell of a scare," Chelsea smiled as she took a sip.

   "Raspberry lemon?" she lifted her eyebrows staring at the man as he scratched the back of his head. "I read it can prepare you for a smooth labor and Buck may have mentioned it's your favorite tea," Eddie stated causing a small smile appears on Chelsea's face, she continued to drink the tea.

   "Did I do anything stupid when I was drugged?" Eddie asks as a chuckle escapes her . "You called me your baby mama or in your words 'possible baby mama' in front of Chimney and the other two," Chelsea inform him. Eddie cringes at her words. "Thankfully Buck and Hen don't seem to remember it but Chimney keeps pestering me about it," Chelsea shrugged as she finished her tea.

   Eddie grabs the cup from her and rinses it off, placing it in the dishwasher before turning back to Chelsea. "How much longer are we going to hide it from them?" he asks, genuine curiosity was in his voice. "The appointment for the Amniocentesis and DNA test is next Wednesday, we can tell them after we get the results," Chelsea frowned as I rubbed my stomach.

   She hated the thought of them sticking a long needle into her stomach but she wanted to make sure the babies weren't at risk for anything potentially life threatening. Eddie silently nods as he seemed to be thinking.

   "Has Tim said anything about coming to it.. I mean you know i'll be there and we both already submitted our DNA but it would be nice to be there to support you," Eddie states. Chelsea pursed her lips thinking about how the man had been ignoring her texts and calls for the last couple of days.

"He hasn't responded to anything but it's fine, I know he's still processing Isabel's death and I don't want to push him. Your support is more than enough," Chelsea smiled at Eddie. Although her words seemed to be convincing, she didn't really know who between the two of them she was trying to convince.

- Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't really have much more from the episode left but still wanted to finish it.

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