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DEDICATED SONG: The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) by Justin Bieber



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   Chelsea Anderson loved Christmas and everything about it. Contrary to popular opinions, it wasn't the presents that she loved. What Chelsea loved about Christmas was that you got to spend times with loved ones.

   She loved how her father would make everyone a personal breakfast with their favorite food. She loved the way how her and Tyler would help their mother make wreaths from scratch. She loved how Tyler and her would sing karaoke for their parents. She loved her family.

   Unfortunately, she never felt like station two eleven was her family. With her transfer to one eighteen, things changed. The crew was welcoming, and although the one eighteen was having difficulty finding and keeping a captain, they still felt like family.

   Staring at the families that had come to donate presents, Chelsea held a smile as she admired all the hard work she had put in. According to her new friends, Hen and Chimney, the one eighteens toy drives had been lackluster.

   So the woman took it upon herself to fix that, offering  to arrange everything. "Wow, Chelsea, this looks amazing," Hen looked astonished as she walked over to the paramedic. Chelsea sent her a big smile, feeling proud. "It was nothing, I used to be a party planner as a way to pay for college," Chelsea admitted.

   Hen gave her a small nod as they greeeted the family in front of them. Chelsea grabbed the three presents they held so she could put walk them over to the giant box that was holding the donations they were getting.

Hearing her phone chime, the woman pulled her phone from her pocket and widened her eyes at the text her father had sent. Quickly placing the presents down, the woman rushed back towards Hen who was waving bye to the children from the family that just had given them the presents.

"Okay, get Chimney, Tommy, and Captain Darson and meet me outside," Chelsea's words rushed out as she jogged away. Hen stared after the woman in confusion before going to find the three.

Chelsea rocked back and forth on her heels as she awaited for her surprise. "Anderson, what's going on?" Captain Darson barked when he reached the woman with Hen, Chimney, and Tommy trailing behind him.

Chelsea looked at him as she was about to answer before she heard the horn of a fire horn. Turning back she spotted a shiny new fire truck with a bow wrapped around the top of it, along with a bus behind it.

The woman stepped closer to her team as the fire truck stopped under front of them. More people from inside the firehouse had started coming outside by the commotion.

As the fire truck door opened a man wearing a santa coat walked out, causing everyone's jaw dropped, minus Chelsea who was beaming with happiness.

"I hope I'm at the right fire station," the man gave a smile to everyone as he walked closer. "Umm...'re..." Chimney was astonished at the man standing in front of him. The man was completely star struck

Chelsea stepped forward as she held her hand out, the man taking it as they shook hands. "Ryan, Hi. I'm Chelsea, Jaime's daughter," Chelsea smiled, the woman was bidding the fact that she was screaming on the inside. "Ryan Reynolds," Chimney managed to stutter out causing Ryan to laugh.

"It's nice to meet you, Chelsea," Ryan smiled at the woman as he let her hand go. "And I'm hoping that's my name or else i've been committing identity fraud this whole time," Ryan chuckled as Hen stepped forward to shake the man's hand.

"Big fan of your wife. I mean i'm a big fan of you as well but your wife," Hen rambled. "My wife's amazing, I'm a big fan of hers as well," Ryan smiled as he shook hands with Tommy, Chimney, and Captain Darson as well.

"Now, It the spirit of giving and as a thanks for everything you do," Ryan walked over to the fire truck. "This is for you," He patted the side of it before pointing at the bus behind it. "I also heard you guys had a toy drive going on and I brought a few gifts for you," he stated as the doors opened.

The team walked over to the bus, Chelsea's eyes widened as she looked inside. It was filed with presents. "We're gonna need help with this," Tommy gasped as Captain nodded. "I'll call in the night shift," Captain Daron's stated.

"Now, let's get a picture so we can get some more donations," Ryan clapped his hands. Chelsea smiled as she seen the paparazzi. The woman's asked to his right side as Tommy and Captain Darson walked into closer slots.

Chimney and Hen shared a look before the two of them rushed to get to his free side.

WC: 810

- In case you guys are confused, cause I tend to forget as well, the one eighteen had trouble keeping a captain for longer then a month or two before Bobby joined. So Captain Darson is just a filler character since the Captain that was there when Chelsea had started would have been gone already.

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