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Fifteen days. That's how long it had been since Eddie and Chelsea had began the process of possibly coparenting. That night they talked until four in the morning, Eddie had told Chelsea about his ex Shannon and how he started raising Christopher alone and in return Chelsea told him about the life her and Shawn thought we were going to have.

   Chelsea had eventually fallen asleep, waking up to a blanket pulled over her body and a pillow under her head as Eddie slept on the ground. It was three days after that when the blackouts started. According to the news, the earthquake had messed up a lot of electrical systems throughout Los Angeles and in return the one eighteen had a lot more calls.

   However nothing had prepared Chelsea for the last call they received right before their twelve hour break yesterday. Chelsea could still remember the sobs the poor woman let out and still hear the pain in her voice as she answered Athena's questions.

So there she stood the next day, in a line with the rest of the team as Athena explained to them how the FBI was getting involved. Chelsea's hands rested on her bump, which was slightly bigger and wouldn't be noticeable as nothing more then bloating if you didn't know she was pregnant.

"This morning I was informed that a team of Federal Agents will be coming to investigate that home invasion that left a woman widowed and injured and her house on fire. According to them this is not the perpetrators first offense, he's been attacking people since the beginning of these blackouts caused by the earthquake. Any calls you get about fires, I need you to keep an eye out for anything suspicious about them and tell dispatch if there is anything suspicious about the cause of it. Two agents from this team as well as a patrol unit will be appointed to follow your team on calls, they should be coming in later. It is advised to stay partnered up on calls if it is night, but that is up to Captain Bobby and Chief Chelsea," Athena informs the first responders nodding at Bobby and Chelsea to take over.

"Alright you guys, you heard her, I want everyone staying partnered up at all times, it doesn't matter if it is a simple such as a tree falling in the road. I don't want you wandering away from the team alone. If you see something suspicious, even if it's something small, report it to me. This man is dangerous and I don't want one of our own getting hurt by him," Bobby says motioning Chelsea to take over.

   "Lily, I'm switching you over to morning crew while Aj takes over your shifts until this guys is caught. This man is known to harm woman especially, I would rather be safe then sorry if we're both on call together. The same goes for any other woman of the one eighteen, if you do not agree with this talk to Bobby and I and we will keep you on night shift," Chelsea could seeing Hen already getting annoyed at the news of them putting woman on morning shift.

"Meeting dismissed," Bobby calls as everyone starts walking away. Bobby and Chelsea share a look as Hen comes marching up to the two. "Cap, Chelsea, You two both know damn well I can handle my own. To even bother switching my shifts to morning without asking me if I wanted to stay on night shift is absurd," The woman's anger is damn near visibly rolling off her body.

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