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June 21, 2018

Chelsea nervously sat on the floor in her bathroom, her head was leaned back onto the wall as she bit her nails in anticipation. The small white stick was visible from where she sat.

Chelsea had never wanted kids, she always felt like her job was to help people and if she did want kids she wanted to adopt them. She couldn't believe she was even in this predicament.

The sound of her sound of the timer going off caused a shaky breath to leave Chelsea. Picking herself off the door, Chelsea slowly walked over to the counter. She kept telling herself that no matter what the result was, she was prepared for it.

Flipped the test over, Chelsea lets out a breath of disbelief. Two vividly pinks lines. The world seemed to pause. Chelsea felt a range of emotions fill he, but one stuck out the most. Joy. Undeniable and radiant joy.


Lucy walked around the hospital floor looking for Tim. The man had disappeared and Lucy wanted to make sure he was alright as well as he wasn't doing anything stupid.

Turning the corner, the rookie spotted her TO sat on the floor, leaning against the wall as he stared off into space. "There you are, What are you doing all the way over here?" Lucy questioned as she sat down next to Tim.

"I umm.. this is all my fault," Tim said, his eyes glossed over with tears as Lucy looked at him with confusion. "I was supposed to pick her up first but I wanted to turn my paperwork for paternity leave and Eddie's place was closer so I went and picked him up first. I was supposed to pick her up first, Lucy. I was supposed to pick her up first and I didn't. She was probably waiting for me to save her and instead I was all the way across town," Tim cried blaming himself for not being able to save Chelsea.

Lucy stared at the man, she didn't think she had ever seen Tim so..broken. Not even when Isabel came back into his life or when she died, but sitting next to her, Tim was crying his eyes out. "Hey, this is not your fault, Tim. You are not to blame. The only person to blame is that horrible woman who attacked her and took the babies," Lucy attempted to comfort the man.

"Now there is another man in that waiting room who is crumbling and right now you are the only one who understands exactly what he's going through, Eddie needs you Tim," Lucy states as Tim wiped the tears off his face. Lucy had a point, while he couldn't do anything other the hope Chelsea would be alright, he could be there for Eddie.

He needed to be there for Eddie. Standing up, Tim helped pull Lucy up as well. "Thank you," Tim nods as Lucy smiled. The two walked back to the waiting room. Tim walking over to the corner where Eddie was.

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