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   Tim was a very determined man. After his talk with Lucy the day before, he was sure he had finally figured out how he was going to ask Eddie and Chelsea on a date. Checking his phone again, Tim patiently waited for Eddie and Chelsea to arrive.

   Chelsea could sense that Eddie was nervous as she stared at him while he drove. He had been tapping his fingers against the steering wheel the whole car ride to Tim's. "Are you okay?" Chelsea questions the man. Eddie gives a simple nod, although he was filled with anxiety.

  He still hadn't come up with a way to ask Chelsea and Tim out. He spent the whole day trying to come up with ways, the team even giving him ideas but nothing seemed good enough.

   Chelsea simply stared at the man suspiciously as they pulled into Tim's driveway. Tim peaked out the blinds upon hearing a car engine. Spotting Chelsea and Eddie walked up, he took a deep breath so he could try to calm down.

   The door opens, Eddie allowing Chelsea in first as he walked in behind her. The woman smiled at Tim as she waddled her way to the kitchen, wanting to grab an apple as she had been craving one the whole car ride over.

   "How was work?" Eddie asked the officer. "It was fine, nothing to crazy besides Chen getting stuck by a needle," Tim's words caught Chelsea's attention. "Is Lucy okay?" Chelsea felt worried for the woman she had grown close to. "She's fine, everything tested back negative," Tim assured the pregnant woman she sighed in relief and made a mental note to call her later.

   "I wanted to ask you two something," Chelsea spoke up as she finished her apple. The two men stared at the woman, curious. "We're about to have two babies and I really really like you guys, both of you guys... and I know our situation is weird but it works for us. So.. I was wondering if you two would want to go on a date with me," Chelsea felt scared they would reject her.

   Polyamory was something Chelsea had learned about a few years ago but she never thought she could see herself into it. Until Tim and Eddie entered her life, it was like they were two missing pieces to her puzzle. 

   Tim and Eddie stared at the woman in disbelief, they had both been stressing over ways to ask the others on a date and Chelsea just simply asked them. They felt stupid for making it a bigger deal and not simply asking.

   "I would like that," Eddie smiled accepted it as the two looked at Tim, awaiting his answer. "I have been stressing for the last week, I even made Chen a desk so I would know the prefect way to ask and you made it seem so simple," Tim felt stupid.

   "Is that a yes?" Chelsea felt confused. "That's a yes," Tim smiled causing the woman to sigh in relief. "Perfect! How about Thursday night?" Chelsea proposed as both men agreed.

  "So.. how were you going to ask?" Chelsea asks Tim who nervously chuckles.

    Two days later, Chelsea rambled to Hen about what she was going to wear on her date later that night. Even though she was the one to ask the boys on the date, she was still extremely nervous.

   "I mean no matter what you are going to look amazing," Hen stated hoping to calm the woman's words. "But I don't want to look amazing, I want to look like they aren't forced to come out with me because of this," Chelsea motioned to her stomach.

   It was a soy as if the babies understood her as she felt two harsh kicks against her stomach. "Okay, now that Is just mean," Chelsea glared down at her stomach causing Hen to chuckle.

   "Honey, you are worrying to much, the boys are going on this date with you because they like you not because they have to," Athena stated as she walked over from the kitchen, handing both the woman a cup of hot chocolate as she walked back to grab her own.

   The three woman were at Athena's house as Chelsea had been asked to help wedding plan for Athena and Bobby since she was amazing at it. "You're one to talk miss giant rock on her finger," Chelsea was still astonished at the size of Athena's ring.

   Athena simply chuckled at the brunette words. "I didn't accept Bobby's proposal for the ring," Athena smiled as Hen and Chelsea gave her a look. "Okay it might have helped motivate me but I love Bobby and that is the bigger reason I accepted it," Athena stated.

   "Now enough about me, let's get planning your engagement party," Chelsea smiled as she grabbed her planner and turned to the woman. Excitement filled her with knowing the couple had trusted her.


   Later that night, Chelsea had finished getting ready, she examined herself in the mirror. Although it took some convincing from Hen and Athena, the woman had decided to wear a slim red dress, her belly seemed to pop out more but Chelsea didn't mind.

   She was unable to put her shoes on as her stomach kept getting in her way so she opted to wait for Tim to get here so he could help her. Chelsea smiles as she hears knocking on her front door, assuming that it was Tim coming to pick her up for their date.

   Opening the door, a look of confusion comes across Chelsea's face as it wasn't Tim standing in font of her but Allison. "Allison..are you okay?" Chelsea asks the woman standing in front of her.

   "I will be," Allison smiles as Chelsea begins to get an uneasy feeling in her stomach. "How did you get my address?" Chelsea questions, she had no idea how the blonde could have even gone about finding where she lived.

   "Oh, I'm sorry to bother you at home I know it crosses a boundary. It's just uh you helped me so much and I needed to talk to you, I needed to let you know," Allison begins to speak getting closer to Chelsea. "What? What is it?" Chelsea asks, her heart rate had significantly increased.

   "You have my babies and I want them back," Allison smiles as she plunges a syringe into Chelsea's right shoulder. Chelsea gasps at the sudden reaction as she begins to fall unconscious, Allison quickly moving to grab the woman as she fell down.

WC: 1094
So y'all see any good movies lately?

That's the final chapter of ACT ONE!!
...Yes, I am aware that I am indeed an asshole for this and I was laughing earlier at the thought of making you wait a week or two before posting the next chapter.

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