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    To say Chelsea was pissed off was an extreme understatement, it was noticeable to the whole Team how she was snapped at Eddie during each call. After last nights abrupt ending to the night, her mom had informed her that the FBI, more specifically Shawn's department, would be joining them in the search for the little girl.

   "What do we got?" Bobby asked Athena as the team pulled up to the call, a car crash on the side of a hill.
"Couple of newly weds. Drivers Paul Williams, no ID on the passenger. Another care drifted into their lane. The driver tried to avoid getting hit, car went off the road," Athena explained as the team walked to closer to the edge of road, "Bobby, Chelsea, it's bad. Cars wrapped tight around that tree."

   "Come on guys, hustle up. Drivers name is Paul," Bobby comments as he, Bobby and Eddie rushed down the hill. "Damn, the trees folded right into the car," Buck comments seeing the damage. "I should be down there helping them," Chelsea sighs folding her arms as she watched the team attempt to open the car.

   "Hen, Chim, we're going to need the jaws. Two passengers in bad shape. One confirmed alive, No access to the other," Bobby radios as Hen and Chimney rush to get the jaws of life. "Bobby said you've been snapping at Eddie all day," Athena raises her eyebrows at the young woman.

   "I don't want to talk about it," Chelsea brushed off the question. She was still annoyed at the argument. "Well i'm here if you want to," Athena offers as Buck and Hen roll the bride up the hill. "What do we got?" Chelsea asks putting her gloves on as the two firefighters rolled the woman into the ambulance.

   "Open femoral fracture on the right leg, and what looks like a broken pelvis," Hen informs Chelsea as the brunette attempted  to get the open gash on her leg to stop bleeding. "Alright call the hospital, tell them they need to prep a trauma room. I don't think if she'll be able to make it if she doesn't get immediate surgery," Chelsea states as Hen starts to drive.

   "Alright honey, My names Chelsea, what's yours?" Chelsea attempted to calm the woman down. "K-Katy?" the woman coughed. "Okay Katie, tell me about your wedding, what was the theme you chose?" Chelsea distracted the woman as she cleaned the wound, Katie explained her wedding to Chelsea.

   As they reached the hospital, Katy  goes unconscious, her heart stopping. "Dammit," Chelsea groans starting CPR. The doors open as Hen and two doctors appear in her sight. "What happened?" The doctor asks as Hen wheels the gurney out. "Her heart stopped beating, she might be going into vfib," Chelsea explains as they quickly pull the woman to a room.

   Sighing at her sudden exhaustion, Hen excuses herself to the bathroom leaving Chelsea alone. "Chelsea?" The familiar voice caused the woman to turn around. Shawn Miller stared confused as his exfiancé stood in front of him. His eyes traveled to her swollen stomach.

   "What are you doing here?" he asks the woman. "Car accident, me and Hen transported the bride," Chelsea gulps. The last time they seen eachother they had shared one final kiss but Chelsea had neglected to tell Shawn that she was pregnant. "Mom told me you were coming but why are you in the hospital?" Chelsea asks the man.

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