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   "B.P's seventy palp, resps eight and shallow, pulse is one thirty after two liters is N.S," Eddie states as he and Tim followed behind the paramedic's wheeling Chelsea into the emergency room. "Trauma A, I got an O.R standing by, My OB is on her way," the trauma chief directs.

   "Set up a central line. We need blood, What's her blood type?" A doctor asks Tim and Eddie. The two couldn't speak a word, they were still trying to process everything. They were each in their own world as the doctors worked on Chelsea.

   "Where are the babies?" Anna asks the two men, she couldn't fathom that Chelsea was in this state. "We don't know, there was a placenta and- and the cord was cut but there wasn't.." Eddie trailed off his heart aching once again.

   The two men were ushered to a private waiting room. Eddie stood off  tucked away in a corner. His arms crossed over his chest. He was scared, he was scared he would lose Chelsea and he was scared that they wouldn't be able to find the babies.

   Tim sat down in on a chair close to the door, his foot impatiently tapping against the floor. He couldn't lose another person he cared about. After Isabel had died, Tim vowed to do everything to protect Chelsea and the babies and he felt like he failed.

   "Where is she?" Chimney questioned as he and Maddie rushed into the waiting room. Sue had ended Maddie's shift early, knowing that there was no way the woman would be able to work properly after getting the call. Chimney was the closest to Maddie so she had offered to take him with her to the hospital.

   "Trauma room, they're prepping her for surgery," Tim's voice cracked  as he continues to look down at the floor. Chimney and Maddie share a look as they take a seat, too scared to bother Eddie in fear he might explode as well as worry filled them.

   The next to arrive was Hen, the woman didn't say anything as Athena had quickly briefed her on a quick call. She instead took a seat next to Maddie, the woman grabbing the others hand for comfort.

   "What happened?" Buck asks as he moves to Eddies side, taking the man in an embrace. As soon as his sister called, Buck had called Carla to come watch Christopher so that he could be there to comfort Eddie.

"Someone took the babies, someone cut her stomach open and took the babies," Eddie cried as Buck comforted the man.

   "Let's get you cleaned up," Buck states as he stepped back from Eddie, spotting the blood all over Eddies clothes, hands and face. Looking at Tim, Buck spotted the blood on the man's pants and hands. "Both of you," Buck stated as he pulled both men out of the room.

   Asking a nurse for some scrubs, Buck ushered the two to change just as Bobby had arrived. "How are they?" Bobby asked referring to the two men. "Not good, they just went to change clothes and get cleaned's's not looking good Captain. Eddie said they cut her stomach open and took the babies," Buck said as he lead Bobby over to the rest of the team.

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