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Oliver Stark & Sophia Dempsey Answer The Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED

  "I'm Oliver Stark," Sophia beamed as she stared at the camera. The woman wore a simple outfit consisting of dark faded blue jeans and a pink blouse with black heels. Her hair had been curled as it sat on her shoulders.

  "And I'm Sophia Dempsey," the British man smiled. The actor wore a white shirt with a red and white flannel, black pants and white converse.

   "And we are here to do the wired autocomplete interview," the two spoke in sync as they held up the two boards that were in their hands.


   Oliver readjusted his board a bit so they could see the prompt. "Was Sophia Dempsey," the man removed the white sticker that blocked the search. "Pregnant during nine one-one?" the man looked over towards the brunette.

   "Yes! I was pregnant during filming of the second season. I found out a bit after season two got renewed and we had to actually adjust the script to fit my pregnancy in," Sophia nodded as she talked.

  "It's true, they didn't even have to give her a false belly for shooting scenes," Oliver pointed out.

The woman looks at her board as she reads the prompt. "Is Oliver Stark...," Ripping off the paper and setting it the side, "single?"

Oliver gave a small chuckle as he glanced to the right, where his girlfriend sat out of view. "I'm actually happily taken by my beautiful girlfriend of three years, almost four," the man smiled as Hannah blew him a kiss.

"She's also an amazing cook and if she was into woman and I was single, I would have happily taken her off Oliver's hands," Sophia threw a wink towards Hannah, the woman chuckled and held her hands up to form a heart with her hands.

"Is Sophia Dempsey...married to Jason Statham?" Oliver read the next question. "Yes! We actually recently just celebrated our ten year anniversary," Sophia smiled, the woman blushes as she thinks of her husband.

  "Is Oliver Stark...really British?" Sophia read as she looked back over towards Oliver. "No," Olive held a serious voice as he talked in his 'Buck' voice. After a few seconds the man began to laughs

  "I'm kidding, yes I am British. I know it confuses people when they watch the show because you can't really tell I have an accent," Oliver stated as they moved on.

   "When I first heard his accent, I honestly thought it was fake because I didn't know he was british," Sophia admitted, the woman gave a wince of a small smile as everyone chuckled.

   "Is Sophia Dempsey," Oliver removed the sticker and began to laugh loud. Sophia looked at the man strangely as she glanced at the card. Her mouth dropped as she read it.

   "Is Sophia Dempsey having an affair with Oliver Stark?" Oliver continued to laugh throughout his question. Sophia sent a sympathetic look towards Hannah, but the woman gave her a reassuring smile. Hannah knew Sophia would never hurt her like that.

   "No, I would never have an affair. I love my husband very much and no offense to Oliver but he is far from my type," Sophia scrunched her face up in disgust as Oliver faked being hurt my her comment.

  "Is Oliver Stark vegan?" Sophia questioned. Oliver gave a smile to the camera as he nodded. "I'm in the process of transitioning over to being Vegan. One of the biggest things that shocked me when I moved here was the truth of the animal agriculture industry as well as it's environmental impact," Oliver answered, the man scrunched his nice as he thought of some of the things he had learned.

  "Is Sophia Dempsey...a teen mother?" Oliver read. Sophia gave a tight lipped smile towards the camera. The woman had become used to some of the judgment that was given to her, but she loved Dylan with her whole heart and she would go through every decision she made all over again if it meant her daughter was the result.

   "Yes, I am. My beautiful baby is now fifteen and she is such an amazing girl," Sophia beamed. Oliver nodded his head in agreement. "She's really creative, she painted a portrait of Hannah and I for Christmas, it hangs above our fireplace," the man proudly stated.

Sophia gives a smile towards him, happy that her friend took her kids in as if he was their actual uncle, I mean he was a honorary uncle to them.

The woman looked down at the board so she could read the next question. "Does Oliver Stark have a brother?" Sophia asked once she removed the sticker.

"Yes, I have two, and I'm the youngest of them," Oliver shrugged as he looked back at his board.

"You give me only child vibes," Sophia stated as Oliver looked up at her. "Sometimes I wish I was," he answered as he sent a smirk to the camera, he knew his brothers would watch this video.

   "Alright, last question for you," Oliver pretended to play the drums as he removed the sticker. "Is Sophia Dempsey related to Patrick Dempsey?" Oliver questioned as he placed the board down on the floor.

"Patrick Dempsey? I've never heard of him. Must not be important," Sophia shrugged as she scrunched her face up in confusion. "Yeah, Patrick also sounds like a basic name," Oliver played along as the two moved to Oliver's last question. As they shared a look, they agreed to just not answer the last question as a joke.

I mean, most people knew who her father was but sometimes it was fun when people who didn't know found out. Sophia was sure her father would be calling her once this video was posted.

"Does Oliver Stark have two eye colors?" Sophia asked the last question as she placed her board down. "Yes! I have a brown eye and a blue eye," Oliver nodded.

"They both look ugly," Sophia joked as Oliver shot her a glare. You're just jealous that you have basic eyes," the man shot back. "My eyes are blue! That's cool enough," Sophia defended as a smile found its way onto Oliver's face.

"You know having blue eyes means that somewhere down your family line, there was incest," Oliver smirks as Sophia glared at him. "Says the one with a blue eye, you freak," Sophia pointed at his eye. The two continued bickering, even after their managers told them that the cameras had stopped rolling.

WC: 1073

- guys I have like two boxes left to finish unpacking and then i officially moved in, life is crazy

- I'm trying to think of what to do for the real life AU, obviously interviews but should I do like some social media ones or just stick to real life ones?

- If you have any ideas for these bloopers, feel free to comment them, I want these extra chapters to be things you guys want to see.

- In case you're curious why I made Sophia's husband Jason Statham, it's cause I have had a crush on that man since I was seven 😭judge me all you want but that man is finer than fine to me

- Fun Fact: I almost made Shawn's face claim Jason Statham but felt like he didn't really fit the character.

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